Django-fastdev is an app that makes it faster and more fun to develop Django apps.
Django-fastdev turns off the model validation of the runserver. This makes the runserver much faster to start/restart, and you aren't editing your models 90% of the time anyway, and when you do and have a problem, the error messages from Django are fairly understandable anyway.
Django templates by default hide errors, and when it does show an error it's often not very helpful. This app will change this so that if you do:
{{ does_not_exist }}
instead of rendering that as an empty string, this app will give you an error message:
does_not_exist does not exist in context. Available top level variables: DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS False None True bar csrf_token foo messages perms request user
There are more specialized error messages for when you try to access the contents of a dict, and attributes of an object a few levels deep like (where baz doesn't exist).
First install: pip install django-fastdev
In add django_fastdev to INSTALLED_APPS:
# ...
Enjoy a nicer Django experience!