Cardano the decentralized third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain platform.
Cardano docker can now be supported as container a in Raspberry Pi, AWS Gravitron container platform or RV64 Sifive Unmatched. It is based in offical ubuntu hirsute builder in a documented and formal way (supply chain review).
Access to the multi-platform docker image.
You can supervise all the sources, all the build steps, build yourself.
This is an efford to build cardano for several architectures. Supported platforms:
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
- linux/riscv64
Access to the git repository
NODE_NETWORK | "mainnet" | The kind of cardano network |
NODE_IP | "" | The ip assigned is the one with the default route, but it can be assigned |
NODE_PORT | "6000" | This is the port and defaults the port used by Guild |
NODE_UPNP | false | If true the container will use upnpc to map the port in your router |
NODE_CORE | "" | For relays, define core using this format host1:port1:1 |
NODE_RUNAS_CORE | false | By default run only as relay |
NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY | true | Force update topology file |
NODE_CUSTOM_PEERS | "" | You can define peers using this format host1:port1:valency1,host2:port2:valency2,... |
NODE_HOME | "/home/cardano/cnode" | The default home, useful to create a permanent docker volume |
NODE_CONFIG | "$NODE_HOME/config/mainnet-config.json" | If not exist try to download a fresh copy from IOHK |
NODE_TOPOLOGY | "$NODE_HOME/config/mainnet-topology.json" | If not exist try to download a fresh copy from IOHK |
NODE_SHELLEY_KES_KEY | "$NODE_HOME/keys/pool/kes.skey" | Must be generated and updated previously to be producer node |
NODE_SHELLEY_VRF_KEY | "$NODE_HOME/keys/pool/vrf.skey" | Must be generated previously to be producer node |
NODE_SHELLEY_OPERATIONAL_CERTIFICATE | "$NODE_HOME/keys/pool/node.cert" | Must be generated previously to be producer node |
NODE_SCRIPTS | false | Install aditional and useful operator scripts and tools |
NODE_TOPOLOGY_PUSH | false | On relay push node information to in order to pull peers |
NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL | false | On relay start pull peer information from, $NODE_CORE defined recomended. IMPORTANT to have pull rights the node need at least 4 hours of pushing status |
NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL_MAX | 10 | Number of peers to pull into topology file |
NODE_TRACE_FETCH_DECISIONS | true | Trace fetch decisions, usefull to monitor peers vรญa prometheus |
NODE_TRACE_MEMPOOL | false | For producer/core, trace mempool, usefull to monitor Tx vรญa prometheus |
NODE_PROM_LISTEN | "" | Listen address for prometheus monitor |
NODE_HEALTH | false | Enable tip health monitoring, disable it for upgrade from a db previous version |
NODE_HEALTH_TIMEOUT | 180 | Timeout to get tip health test |
NODE_HEALTH_CPU_PCT_WARN | 90 | Initial CPU usage to check interval CPU usate |
NODE_HEALTH_CPU_PCT_KILL | 95 | Interval CPU usage if exceded unhealth the container |
NODE_LOW_PRIORITY | false | Run the node with CPU low priority and best-effort IO scheduler |
NODE_RTS | false | Enable custom RTS options |
NODE_RTS_STATS | false | Display stats to stdout |
NODE_RTS_OPTS | -N2 --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -I0.3 -Iw600 -A16m -F1.5 -H2500M -T | Memory optimization RTS options |
- For relay
docker run --init -d --restart=always --network=host --name="relay1" -e "TZ=Europe/Madrid" -v /home/cardano/cnode:/home/cardano/cnode -e "NODE_CORE=yourcore1:6000:1" -e "NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PUSH=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL=true" juampe/cardano
- For core in ARM64
docker run --init -d --restart=always --network=host --name="core1" -e "TZ=Europe/Madrid" -v /home/cardano/cnode:/home/cardano/cnode -e "NODE_RUNAS_CORE=true" -e "," -e "NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY=true" juampe/cardano
- Relay launch script for ARM64.
Keep in mind that the docker daemon must be enabled and running in startup. Gracefully restart cardano too.
cat > << EOF
docker pull $CVER
docker stop -t 60 $DNAME
docker rm $DNAME
docker run --init -d --restart=on-failure --network=host --name="$DNAME" --hostname "$DNAME" -v /home/cardano/cnode:/home/cardano/cnode -e "TZ=Europe/Madrid" -e "NODE_CORE=core1:6000:1" -e "NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PUSH=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL_MAX=10" -e "NODE_PROM_LISTEN=" -e "NODE_HEALTH=true" -e "NODE_HEALTH_TIMEOUT=180" -e "NODE_PORT=6000" -e "NODE_LOW_PRIORITY=true" -e "NODE_RTS=true" -e "NODE_RTS_OPTS=-N2 --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -I0.3 -Iw600 -A16m -F1.5 -H2500M -T" $CVER
docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps $DNAME
chmod 755
- Core launch script for AMD64.
Keep in mind that the docker daemon must be enabled and running in startup. Gracefully restart cardano too.
cat > << EOF
docker pull $CVER
docker stop -t 60 $DNAME
docker rm $DNAME
docker run --init -d --restart=always --network=host --name="core1" -v /home/cardano/cnode:/home/cardano/cnode -e "TZ=Europe/Madrid" -e ",," -e "NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY=true" -e "NODE_PROM_LISTEN=" -e "NODE_RUNAS_CORE=true" -e "NODE_TRACE_MEMPOOL=true" -e "NODE_HEALTH=true" -e "NODE_HEALTH_TIMEOUT=180" -e "NODE_PORT=6000" -e "NODE_LOW_PRIORITY=true" -e "NODE_RTS=true" -e "NODE_RTS_OPTS=-N2 --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -I0.3 -Iw600 -A16m -F1.5 -H2500M -T" $CVER
dockerlog $DNAME
chmod 755
- Unable to use Github action due to service limitations
- For amd64 build in amd64 2VCPU 8GMEM 50GSSD with 4G swapfile
- For arm64 build in arm64 t4g.large 2VCPU 8GMEM 30GSSD Gravitron with 4G swapfile
- For arm64 build in arm64 raspberry pi 4VCPU 8GMEM 120GSSD with 4G swapfile
- For riscv64 build in qemu in amd64 4VCPU 20GMEM 50GHD with 8GSSD swapfile
From a ubuntu:hirsute prepare for docker build multiarch environment.
At the moment, due to described qemu emulation problems, the container is built in the same architecture.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git make buildah podman
git clone
cd cardano-docker
#Adapt Makefile to DOCKER_TAG to tag and fit your own docker registry
This uses a pre-builded cardano binary created in the full build process "/cardano.tgz". Due to github LFS quota, the respository not longer exist in github. From a ubuntu:hirsute prepare for docker build multiarch environment.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git make qemu-user-static buildah podman
git clone
cd cardano-docker
#Adapt Makefile to DOCKER_TAG to tag and fit your own docker registry
make local-cache
From a ubuntu:hirsute prepare for docker build multiarch environment.
At the moment, due to described qemu emulation problems, the container is built in the same architecture.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git make qemu-user-static buildah podman
git clone
cd cardano-docker
#Adapt Makefile to DOCKER_TAG to tag and fit your own docker registry
make pipeline
- Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GibRAM and USB3.0 UASP+TRIM SSD (Homebrew)
- Old laptop x64 with 4GibRAM with SATA SSD (Homebrew)
- AWS t4g.medium with gp3 disk (~1$/day)
From ubuntu 21.04 user login
sudo apt-get update
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y upgrade
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y install jq net-tools prometheus-node-exporter wget curl bc tcptraceroute
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "cardano" cardano #You can set the password later
sudo sudo usermod -aG docker cardano
#dockerlog script
cat > /usr/local/bin/dockerlog << EOF
docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps \$1
#dockerps script
cat > /usr/local/bin/dockerps << EOF
docker ps --format '{{.Names}} => {{ .Status }}'|grep -v portainer_agent|sort
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/dockerps /usr/local/bin/dockerlog
#enable docker
systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker
#remove disable snaps
snap list --all|grep disabled|awk '{print "snap remove " $1 " --revision=" $3}'|sh
From ubuntu user login (fstab not sudo friendly)
sudo bash
fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
#This is for minimize swap IO usage
cat > /etc/sysctl.d/90-swapiness.conf << EOF
vm.swappiness = 1
From ubuntu user login
sudo apt-get -y install zram-tools #Not in AWS
sudo apt-get -y install zram-tools linux-modules-extra-aws #In case of AWS needs extra zram.ko module
sudo /bin/echo -e "PERCENT=50\n" >> /etc/default/zramswap
sudo systemctl enable zramswap
sudo systemctl start zramswap
swapon #Check swap + zram
From cardano user login
#Some environment
echo export NODE_HOME=$HOME/cnode >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo PATH="$HOME/cnode/scripts:$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
#Launch script
mkdir -p ~/cnode/scripts
cat > ~/cnode/scripts/ << EOF
CVER="juampe/cardano" #You may want freeze the version
docker pull $CVER #You may want to delete this and freeze the version
docker stop -t 60 $DNAME
docker rm $DNAME
docker run --init -d --restart=always --network=host --name="$DNAME" --hostname "$DNAME" -v /home/cardano/cnode:/home/cardano/cnode -e "TZ=Europe/Madrid" -e "NODE_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PUSH=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL=true" -e "NODE_TOPOLOGY_PULL_MAX=10" -e "NODE_PROM_LISTEN=" -e "NODE_HEALTH=true" -e "NODE_LOW_PRIORITY=true" $CVER
dockerlog $DNAME #You can delete this if don't want see initial logs
chmod 755 ~/cnode/scripts/
TIP: To reduce integration you may want to rsync the blockchain cnode/db from another client
From cardano user login
- Run the node, restart after change options #You can interrupt log with Ctrl+c safely or make a gracefull restart running it again
- Check container estatus
- Check cardano log
dockerlog relay0
- gLiveView
docker exec -it relay0 /home/cardano/cnode/scripts/
For the Cardano comunnity from NUTCK pool (
๐If you apprecciate the effort, please consider to support us making a Cardano (ADA) donation.