Cobol inside Html
Works server-side as a .net cli application and client-side as a WASM browser app
1- Install .net core 6 sdk
2- Edit the /HtmlCobol/Program.cs file, set the example.html route
3- cd into the project folder, /HtmlCOBOL
4- 'dotnet run' in terminal
5- Go to localhost:6969 in your browser
6- Edit the example.html file, save and refresh the browser to see the changes
Due security features, you can't just open the html files and serve local resources on your browser so you have to deploy this to a server as static files
1- Install .net core 6 sdk
2- Install dotnet wasm-tools
3- cd into the project folder, /Client
3- 'dotnet publish -c Release' in terminal
4- deploy the files in /Client/bin/Release/net6.0/publish/wwwroot in a server
5- create an 'example.html' file that contains cobol code in the same folder that contains index.html