Full-stack developer with 3 years of experience, as a frontend I have a solid command of technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, React, CSS, HTML and Tailwind, Bootstrap, and I have worked with frameworks such as Next.js. My experience also extends to backend development, where I have handled Nodejs, Express and Python, FastAPI, and have interacted with databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Firebase and SQL Server.
π Iβm currently working on Freelance
π± Iβm currently learning React, NextJS, Python
π― Iβm looking to collaborate on EDTecnica
π¨βπ» All of my projects are available at Portfolio
π I regularly write articles on https://cake-goldenrod-8c4.notion.site/Introducci-n-a-la-administraci-n-de-servidores-Linux-b97145f320544c2e8ddf394b10fc04c4
π¬ Ask me about React, JavaScript
π« How to reach me [email protected]
π Know about my experiences https://www.canva.com/design/DAD8emODn-c/esSKSUsOk3KtrhUseY2Avg/view?utm_content=DAD8emODn-c&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton