Technical Leader at Mercadolibre
Bachelor in Computer Science at Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales, UBA Argentina
Comming soon Magister in Data Scince at Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales, UBA Argentina
You can contact me at 📫
A little more about me
class AboutMe():
_code: List = ["python", "go", "java", "rust"]
_style: Dict = {
"design": ["design by contract", "domain driven design"],
"architecture": ["clean architecture"],
"testing": ["test driven development", "unit test"]
_learning: List = ["to better code", "datascience"]
Some books that help me every day to became a little better Software Engineering than the day before.
- Test driven development by example - Kent Beck.
- Refactoring, improving design of existing dode - Martin Flower, Kent Beck, John Brant.
- Clean architecture - Robert Martin.
- Domain driven design - Eric Evans.
- Making software, what weally works and why we belive it - Andy Oram, Greg Wilson.