Mail Behaviours GLPI Plugin may be used to create Tickets via emails with another requester than the email sender: to be able to create Tickets "On Behalf Of" via emails. It gives the possivbility to have a different ticket requester than the ticket writer
Before GLPI 9.5, this feature was available in the MailAnalyzer plugin
It enables the so called ##From
feature, along with the ##CC
(add watcher for users or for groups)
Many often Service desk people receive emails from requester directly in their own mailbox. In this case they are obliged to manually create a new ticket in GLPI, and to copy/paste the content of the initial email (subject and body). With this plugin, they only need to forward these emails to GLPI, after having added a ##From in front of the requester name (or email).
It is currently compatible with GLPI 9.5
Must be copied into glpifolder/plugins/mailbehaviours
To be installed and enabled via the plugins configuration page in GLPI.
See wiki
Please report any question/problem in the issue section.