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Jube's Site
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🧚🏼‍♂️Personal website | ✍🏼Portfolio

Author: Jube

Last edit date: 2021.6.7

Description: personal website: portfolio/writings/contact

Link on here

Tech/framework used

Frontend tech stack:

  • Next JS
  • React JS
  • Emotion CSS
  • Typescript
  • Babel
  • SSR / SEO

Storage tech:

  • Friebase


  • Use next.js to create SEO environment
  • Use next.js to enable routing with file system
  • Use next/image to implement automatically image optimization
  • Use next.js getInitialProps to enable SSR in a page to do initial data population

Installation / Usage

$cd jubi_site
$npm install
$npm run dev


    ┣ ...
    ┣ components/  # [Components]
    ┃       ┣ badge/             # badge (in contact page)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ carousel/          # carousel (in contact page)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ contact/           # contact component (in contact page)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ cursor/            # cursor (settle in every page container)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ navi_web/          # web view navigation (in page container)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ navigation/        # phone view navigation (in page container)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ seo/               # seo setting (in page container)
    ┃       ┃ ┗ index.tsx
    ┃       ┣ works/             # portfolio web view component (in portfolio page)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┣ works_phone/       # portfolio phone view component (in portfolio page)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┗ writingList/       # portfolio list component (in works web/phone views component)
    ┃       ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┗ style.ts
    ┣ layouts/  # [Page container]
    ┃       ┣ page/              # main route page container (container for home/portfolio/writing/contact)
    ┃       ┃ ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┃ ┗ style.ts
    ┃       ┗ post/              # articles page container (container for every single articles)
    ┃       ┣ index.tsx
    ┃       ┗ style.ts
    ┣ pages/    # [Pages(route file system)]
    ┃       ┣ [id].tsx           # articles page
    ┃       ┣ _app.tsx           # entry file
    ┃       ┣ contact.tsx        # contact page
    ┃       ┣ index.tsx          # home page
    ┃       ┣ portfolio.tsx      # portfolio page
    ┃       ┗ writing.tsx        # writing page
    ┣ services/ # [For firebase]
    ┃       ┗ firebase.ts        # firebase setting
    ┣ shared/   # Global files
    ┃       ┣ get-post.ts        # firebase fetch related functions
    ┃       ┗ globals.ts         # global styles
    ┣ styles/  # [Main pages styles]
    ┃       ┗...
    ┣ public/  # [Images]
    ┃       ┗...
    ┣ config.ts          # SEO content
    ┣ next-env.d.ts      # Ensures Next.js types are picked up by the TypeScript compiler
    ┣ next-config.ts     # Modules export
    ┣ tsconfig.json      # Specifies the root files and the compiler options required to compile the project
    ┣ package.json       # Required packages
    ┣ .babelrc           # JavaScript transpiler presets setting
    ┗ ...


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