I am a student of Agricultural Engineering at the National University of Colombia (UNAL Co) and a graduate of Mission TIC at UTP like Web Development Technician. Currently, I am in the process of specializing in data analysis and have experience in managing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools, as well as in creating responsive websites and functional applications for mobile devices.
const aboutMe = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, R, Java, Kotlin, PHP, Typescript, SQL],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["jQuery, Ajax"],
css: ["Bootstrap", "Material Design", "Tailwind"]
backEnd: {
java: ["SpringBoot", "SpringCloud", "SpringSecurity", "Microservicios"],
PHP: ["Codeigniter"],
Otras: ["Docker"]
databases: ["MySQL", "Oracle", "SQLite", "H2", "Hibernate", "Postgre", "MongoDb", "Firebase"],
mobile: ["Android"]
currentOccupation: ["I continue training and open for job opportunities"]