Tags: juliansteenbakker/flutter-permission-handler
Add Persistent flag for permanentlyDenied LocationAlways permission (B… …aseflow#822) * add persistent flag for already denied * add missing const key * bump permission_handler_apple to 9.0.4
Fix ERROR_ALREADY_REQUESTING_PERMISSIONS on iOS after requesting loca… …tionAlways (Baseflow#800) * trigger callback using notification center * bump version of permission_handler_apple * make receiveActivityNotification private
Endorsed the Windows version of the plugin (Baseflow#797) * Endorsed permission_handler_windows. * Added Windows example.
Federate Android and iOS packages (Baseflow#795) * Federate Android and iOS packages * Federate Android and iOS packages
Issue 793 (Baseflow#794) * Fixed misplaced 'break' statement * Updated version to 9.0.2 and added changelog entry
Federate Android and iOS packages (Baseflow#795) * Federate Android and iOS packages * Federate Android and iOS packages
Federate Android and iOS packages (Baseflow#795) * Federate Android and iOS packages * Federate Android and iOS packages
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Baseflow/flutter-permission-handler
Fix androidx migrate link typo in README (Baseflow#720) * Fix androidx migrate link typo in README * Update version to 8.2.6 * Remove unused example widget test