Simple & straightforward pubsub based on boost::asio & google's protobuf.
- CMake (for protobuf)
- Visual Studio 2017 (for Windows)
Clone the repository
λ git clone --recursive ...
Build protobuf with
λ make_protobuf.bat
Generate the protocol code with
λ generate_code.bat`
Open the Visual Studio solution & compile
(Only tested with Ubuntu 17.04) Install the prerequisites - boost 1.62+ - cmake
Clone the repository
λ git clone --recursive ...
Retrieve the correct version of protobuf (3.4.0)
λ cd protobuf
λ git checkout tags/v3.4.0
Follow the compilation instruction for protobuf
λ ./configure
λ make
λ make check
λ sudo make install
λ sudo ldconfig
Build the project
λ cd ..
λ mkdir build
λ cd build
λ cmake ..
λ make
Usage: repost-server <port>
Usage: repost-cli <host> <port>
SUBSCRIBE <channel> [<channel> ...]
Subscribes to one or more channels separated by space.
UNSUBSCRIBE <channel> [<channel> ...]
Unsubscribes to one or more channels separated by space.
PUBLISH <channel> <payload>
Publishes a payload to a channel. The payload may contain space(s).