by Juneyoung Oh
Writen in 17.NOV.15
Easy github commit graph like graph with no dependencies.
I did test on Chrome :-)
import gitalike.js
, then
GITALIKE.initWithElem(document.getElementById('your Div Id'));
var data = [
{date: "20141214", count : "5", text: "20141214"}
,{date: "20150224", count : "15", text: "20150224"}
,{date: "20150815", count : "25", text: "20150815"}
,{date: "20141225", count : "50", text: "20151225"}
,{date: "20150527", count : "500", text: "20141027"}
Data must follow standard format like {date: 'yyyyMMdd', count : n, text : ''}
Currently text value does not work.(I am working on it :D)
Not Yet
Fork and use free and let us develop together!
- 17.NOV.15 - Very first distribution by Juneyoung Oh
- 20.NOV.15 - re-touching data structure and remove d3 dependencies by Juneyoung Oh