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Junier Oliva committed May 10, 2016
0 parents commit 8f79a00
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Showing 46 changed files with 3,022 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added code/.DS_Store
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52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions code/MCMC_bin_posterior.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
function betas = MCMC_bin_posterior(PhiW,Y,mode,precision,c,n_samp,varargin)
if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = varargin{1};
opts = struct;
burn_in = get_opt(opts, 'burn_in', 100);
samp_gap = get_opt(opts, 'samp_gap', 100);
offset = get_opt(opts, 'offset', 0);
d = size(PhiW,2);

% sample from Laplace approx
L = chol(precision);
beta = L\randn(d,1)+mode;
% get beta stats
PB = PhiW*beta+offset;
expnPB = exp(-PB);
normB2 = sum(beta(:).^2);
logpbeta = -.5*(beta-mode)'*precision*(beta-mode);
tot_iters = burn_in + samp_gap*n_samp;
betas = nan(d,n_samp);
accepted = 0;
for i=1:tot_iters
% sample from Laplace approx
beta_prop = L\randn(d,1)+mode;
% get proposal stats
PB_prop = PhiW*beta_prop+offset;
PDB = PB_prop-PB;
normB2_prop = sum(beta_prop(:).^2);
logpbeta_prop = -.5*(beta_prop-mode)'*precision*(beta_prop-mode);
% get log acceptance ratio
logratio = Y'*PDB -sum(log( (expnPB+exp(PDB))./(1+expnPB) ),1) ...
logratio = logratio +logpbeta -logpbeta_prop;

% accept?
if logratio>0 || log(rand)<=logratio
beta = beta_prop;
PB = PB_prop;
expnPB = exp(-PB);
normB2 = normB2_prop;
logpbeta = logpbeta_prop;
accepted = accepted +1;
% save?
if i>burn_in && mod(i-burn_in,samp_gap)==0
betas(:,(i-burn_in)/samp_gap) = beta;

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions code/W_stats_reg_model_ev.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
function W_stats = W_stats_reg_model_ev(W,X,Y,model_prior,varargin)
% W_stats_reg_model_ev Get stats used in sampling W.
% Inputs:
% W - d x nfreq matrix of random frequencies
% X - N x d matrix of input covariates
% Y - N x d2 matrix of output responses
% model_prior - struct with the follow feilds
% (.a,.b) - inverse-gamma prior parameters to noise variance in linear
% model
% .c - scalar multiplier on identity matrix for beta weights
% Outputs:
% W_stats - struct with the following feilds
% .N - number of instances
% .p - number of dimensions for responses
% .W - random frequency matrix
% .PhiW - matrix of random features for instances
% .R - chol of Phi'*Pho+c*I, where c is prior parameter for beta (see
% .PtY - inner product of Phi'*Y (where Phi is matrix of random
% features)
% .YtY - norm of response vector
% .betaW - betaW = PtP_cI\PtY, the mode for beta regression weights
% .log_det_PtP_cI - log determinant of Phi'*Pho+c*I, where c is model
% prior parameter (see below).
% .log_f - Get the log evidence of the model evidence w.r.t. random
% features.

if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = varargin{1};
opts = struct;
save_PhiW = get_opt(opts, 'save_PhiW', true);

XW = X*W;
PhiW = [cos(XW) sin(XW)];

c = model_prior.c;

PtP_cI = PhiW'*PhiW+c*speye(size(PhiW,2));
R = chol(PtP_cI);
PtY = PhiW'*Y;

betaW = R\(R'\PtY); % betaW = PtP_cI\PtY;
log_det_PtP_cI = sum(2*log(diag(R))); % log_det_PtP_cI = log(det(PtP_cI));

W_stats.N = numel(Y);
W_stats.p = size(Y,2);
W_stats.W = W;
if save_PhiW
W_stats.PhiW = PhiW;
W_stats.R = R;
W_stats.PtY = PtY;
W_stats.YtY = sum(Y(:).^2);
W_stats.betaW = betaW;
W_stats.PhiWbeta = PhiW*betaW;
W_stats.log_det_PtP_cI = log_det_PtP_cI;
W_stats.log_f = get_log_model_evidence_regression(W_stats,model_prior);
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions code/bank.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function [Ws,rhos] = ...
% BaNK function to run the BaNK framework.
% Inputs:
% data - Input data to work over. E.g. can be a cell array {X Y} for
% supervised problems, or a matrix X for unsupervized problems.
% nfreq - Number of random features to use.
% rho_prior - Prior parameters for the distribution of random features.
% (Can also include options for update functions below.)
% model_prior - Prior parameters for the distribution of model specific
% parameters. E.g. normal parameters mu and Sigma for
% linear regression. (Can also include options for update
% functions below.)
% update - struct with the following function handles
% function rho = update.rho(rho,W,rho_prior):
% Function that samples the posterior of rho given W, rest. E.g.
% samples mean, covariances for a GMM given W and component
% assignments.
% function Wstats = update.W(Wstats,rho,data,model_prior)
% Function that samples random frequencies, and other model stats
% (like beta weights if not marginalized out) given rho (and posibly
% component assignments in Z). Note, this function should handle the
% case where Wstats is given with only Wstats.W as a feild, which
% will occur in the first iteration.
% init_Wstats - function that returns initial random frequencies, and
% other model stats:
% function Wstats = init_Wstats(data,nfreq,rho_prior,model_prior)
% opts (optional) - struct with optional parameters with {defualts}
% burn_in - number of draws to burn in {10}
% samp_gap - number of draws to discard between samples {100}
% nsamps - number of samples to return {1}
% itprint - function itprint(i,data,rho,Wstats) that
% prints to stdout (or does any other sort of logging/processing)
% on the iterates that save a sample {@(~,~,~,~,~)[]}.
% Outputs:
% Ws - 3d array of random frequency samples where the last dimension is
% length nsamp and Ws(:,:,i) is the ith matrix of random
% frequencies.
% rhos - cell array of length nsamp, where rhos{i} is the ith random
% frequency distribution drawn from posterior.

if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = varargin{1};
opts = struct;

% sampling options
burn_in = get_opt(opts, 'burn_in', 10);
samp_gap = get_opt(opts, 'samp_gap', 100);
n_samp = get_opt(opts, 'n_samp', 1);

% get initial random frequencies
Wstats = init_Wstats(data,nfreq,rho_prior,model_prior);

% printing function
itprint = get_opt(opts, 'itprint', @(~,~,~,~,~)[]);

% main loop
tot_iters = burn_in + samp_gap*n_samp;
Ws = nan(size(Wstats.W,1),nfreq,n_samp);
rhos = cell(n_samp,1);
rho = get_opt(opts, 'rho', struct);
for i=1:tot_iters
% sample posterior for rho given W
rho = update.rho(rho,Wstats.W,rho_prior);

% sample posterior for W given rho
Wstats = update.W(Wstats,rho,data,model_prior);

% save?
if i>burn_in && mod(i-burn_in,samp_gap)==0
Ws(:,:,(i-burn_in)/samp_gap) = Wstats.W;
rhos{(i-burn_in)/samp_gap} = rho;



111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions code/binlogreg.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
function lr_stats = binlogreg(X,Y,varargin)

if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = varargin{1};
opts = struct;

if ~iscell(X)
[N,d] = size(X);
N = length(X);
d = size(X{1},2);
Y = double(Y==1);

trn_set = get_opt(opts, 'trn_set');
hol_set = get_opt(opts, 'hol_set');
tst_set = get_opt(opts, 'tst_set');
if isempty(trn_set) || isempty(hol_set) || isempty(tst_set)
tprec = get_opt(opts, 'tprec', .1);
hprec = get_opt(opts, 'tprec', .1);
[trn_set, hol_set, tst_set] = split_data( N, tprec, hprec );

sigma2s = get_opt(opts,'sigma2s');
if isempty(sigma2s)
N_rot = get_opt(opts, 'N_rot', min(2000,N));
pd2s = dists2(X(randperm(N,N_rot),:),X(randperm(N,N_rot),:));
sigma2s = quantile(pd2s(:), .1:.2:.9);
lambdas = get_opt(opts,'lambdas',2.^(10:-1:-5));

nfreq = get_opt(opts,'nfreq',250);
W = get_opt(opts,'W',randn(d,nfreq));
bagsizes = get_opt(opts, 'bagsizes');
do_mmd = iscell(X) | ~isempty(bagsizes);
if ~isempty(bagsizes)
lastinds = cumsum(bagsizes);
if ~do_mmd
XW = X*W;

nsigma2s = length(sigma2s);
nlambdas = length(lambdas);
bopts = get_opt(opts, 'bopts', struct);
hol_err = nan(nsigma2s,nlambdas);
betas = cell(nsigma2s,nlambdas);
for si=1:nsigma2s
sigma2 = sigma2s(si);
if ~do_mmd
PhiW = [cos(XW./sqrt(sigma2)) sin(XW./sqrt(sigma2)) ones(N,1)];
if iscell(X)
PhiW = cell2mat( cellfun(@(C)[mean([cos(C*W./sqrt(sigma2)) sin(C*W./sqrt(sigma2))],1) 1], X, 'unif', false) );
PhiW = X*W./sqrt(sigma2);
PhiW = cumsum([cos(PhiW) sin(PhiW)],1);
PhiW = PhiW(lastinds,:);
PhiW(2:end,:) = PhiW(2:end,:) - PhiW(1:end-1,:);
PhiW = bsxfun(@times,PhiW,1./bagsizes);
PhiW = [PhiW ones(size(PhiW,1),1)];

beta_si = zeros(size(PhiW,2),1);
for li=1:nlambdas
beta_si = newtons_binlr(PhiW(~trn_set,:),Y(~trn_set),lambdas(li),beta_si,bopts);
Yhol_pred = PhiW(hol_set,:)*beta_si>=0;
hol_err(si,li) = sum(Y(hol_set)~=Yhol_pred)/length(Yhol_pred);
betas{si,li} = beta_si;

[si,li] = find(hol_err==min(hol_err(:)));
ri = randi(length(si));
si = si(ri);
li = li(ri);
beta_si = betas{si,li};
sigma2 = sigma2s(si);
if ~do_mmd
PhiW = [cos(XW./sqrt(sigma2)) sin(XW./sqrt(sigma2)) ones(N,1)];
if iscell(X)
PhiW = cell2mat( cellfun(@(C)[mean([cos(C*W./sqrt(sigma2)) sin(C*W./sqrt(sigma2))],1) 1], X, 'unif', false) );
PhiW = X*W./sqrt(sigma2);
PhiW = cumsum([cos(PhiW) sin(PhiW)],1);
PhiW = PhiW(lastinds,:);
PhiW = PhiW - [zeros(1,size(PhiW,2)); PhiW(1:end-1,:)];
PhiW = bsxfun(@times,PhiW,1./bagsizes);
PhiW = [PhiW ones(size(PhiW,1),1)];

beta = newtons_binlr(PhiW(~tst_set,:),Y(~tst_set),lambdas(li),beta_si,bopts);
Ytst_pred = PhiW(tst_set,:)*beta>=0;
tst_err = sum(Ytst_pred~=Y(tst_set))/length(Ytst_pred);

lr_stats.Y_pred = Ytst_pred;
lr_stats.resids = (Ytst_pred ~= Y(tst_set));
lr_stats.tst_err = tst_err;
lr_stats.beta = beta;
lr_stats.W = W;
lr_stats.sigma2 = sigma2;
lr_stats.lambda = lambdas(li);
lr_stats.hol_err = hol_err;
lr_stats.D = nfreq;
lr_stats.lambdars = lambdas;
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions code/cdesc_rks_W.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
function [W, pred, beta] = cdesc_rks_W( X,Y,W,beta,pred,...
c,mus_z,Siginvs_z,sigma2_error, varargin )

if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = varargin{1};
opts = struct;
citers = get_opts(opts, 'citers', 25);
liters = get_opts(opts, 'liters', 100);

nfreq = size(W,2);
beta_cos = beta(1:nfreq);
beta_sin = beta(nfreq+1:2*nfreq);
lb_cell = {-inf(nfreq,1), -inf(nfreq,1), -inf(d,nfreq)};
ub_cell = { inf(nfreq,1), inf(nfreq,1), inf(d,nfreq)};
for ci=1:citers
jprm = randperm(nfreq);
for jj=1:nfreq
j = jprm(jj);

XWj = X*W(:,j);
offset = pred - (cos(XWj)*beta_cos(j) + sin(XWj)*beta_sin(j));

auxdata = {X,Y,c,mus_z(:,1,j),Siginvs_z(:,:,j),sigma2_error,offset};
[beta_cos(j), beta_sin(j), W(:,j)] = ...
lbfgsb( {beta_cos(j), beta_sin(j), W(:,j)}, lb_cell, ...
ub_cell, 'rks_W_obj','rks_W_grad', auxdata,'print100callback', ...
'm',25,'factr',1e-12, 'pgtol',1E-4,'maxiter',liters );

pred = offset + (cos(XWj)*beta_cos(j) + sin(XWj)*beta_sin(j));

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions code/classification_wrapper.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

[funcs, names] = make_classification_funcs();

cv_opts.names = names;
cv_opts.K = 5;
cv_opts.fileprefix = 'results_checking';
cv_opts.stand_response = false;
load ../../datasets/Classification/pima_data.mat
[tst_errs, tst_resids, method_stats, inds, hol_inds] = kfold_cv(X,Y,@run_classification,funcs,cv_opts);
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions code/demo.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
load datasets/bike.mat

f = make_regression_funcs();
opts.funcs = f;
method_stats = run_regression(X,(Y-mean(Y))./std(Y),opts);
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions code/dists2.m
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function M = dists2(X1, X2, varargin)
row_insts = true;
if ~isempty(varargin)
row_insts = varargin{1};
if row_insts
X1 = X1';
X2 = X2';
M = bsxfun(@plus, sum(X1 .* X1, 1)', (-2) * X1' * X2);
M = bsxfun(@plus, sum(X2 .* X2, 1), M);
M(M < 0) = 0;



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