This repository contains the ROS wrapper of Sparks's driver plus various ROS applications.This is a meta-package.
- spark_v04 : spark 0.4 driver including base driver, camera driver, robot description, teleop package, and follow person package and so on.
- tools : it contains the 3rd part openni2 driver which camera driver uses.
- doc : it shows that how to compile and use this meta-package.
- System: Ubuntu 14.04
- ROS Version: Indigo(Desktop-Full Install)
Build this compile with the following steps:
#make a workspace
mkdir -p sparkws/src
cd sparkws/src
git clone
cd ..
#install dependence package
catkin_make install
If everything goes fine, test the follow-person example as follow:
We also provide a downloadable mirror whose all environments have been configured.
- Download address: spark_mirror