A toolbox to make deep learning samples from remote sensing images
We strongly recommend using Python scripts instead of ArcGIS plugins
✅ 2023-05-01: Added AutoDraw in LabelRS to to assist segmentation.
- The automatic segmentation algorithms supported by AutoDraw include:
- slic, felzenszwalb, quickshift
- sam (Segment Anything Model)
- ESRI ArcGIS 10.2 and later versions
- Python Library:
Note: select ArcGIS's python environment as the python interpreter, the location usually is C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\python.exe
tqdm, opencv, pillow need to be installed in the ArcGIS python environment
- Make sure your file's coordinate system is WGS84
- Multispectral GeoTif, eg. GaoFen, Sentinel-2, Landsat (Layer Stacking is needed)
- Labeled vector polygon data, which can be obtained from the following sources
- Public land use vector data
- Drawn by users in ArcGIS. Build a new shapefile and add a field in attribute table, then start editing and draw polygons, finally set different attribute values for different types of features.
- Use eCognition. Use multiresolution segmentation in eCognition, and then output the segmentation vectors.
- Use AutoDraw in LabelRS to to assist segmentation. This is an independent toolkit based on GDAL, OpenCV, skimage and PIL.
Note: Use AutoDraw to assist segmentation, please install
libraries, and Python3 environment is recommended.
If you want to use Segment Anything Model, please make sure python>=3.8, and additionally pytorch>=1.7 and torchvision>=0.8. For details, see Segment Anything Model requirements
In short, AutoDraw and LabelRS are independent packages, for example, you can use python 2.7 to execute labelRS, and use python 3 to execute AutoDraw. This may seem strange, but LabelRS depends on ArcPy (Python 2.7), and I'm thinking of fully migrating LabelRS to a Python 3 environment.
SemanticSegmentation.py --input-image=xxx.tif --input-shpfile=xxx.shp --class-field=xxx --output-path=xxx
--input-image | str | True | the input source imagery | None | C:/GF2_PMS1_ L1A0003131556-MSS1.tif |
--input-shpfile | str | True | the labeled vector data | None | C:/Water.shp |
--class-field | str | True | The field used to distinguish different features in shpfile | None | class |
--tile-size | int | False | The size of the output sample | 256 | 256 |
--output-path | str | True | output folder | None | C:/output |
--output-img-format | str | False | The format of the output sample, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF | TIFF | JPEG |
--overlap-size | int | False | tile overlap size | 16 | 16 |
--band-list | str | False | Bands used to generate samples, default is all bands | None | 3,2,1 |
--write-xml | bool | False | whether to write meta data in xml | True | True |
--stretch-method | int | False | Band stretching method 0,Percentage Truncation; 1,Standard Deviation; 2,Maximum and Minimum | 0 | 0 |
--stretch-parameters | str | False | the input parameters for Percentage Truncation or Standard Deviation | None | 0.5,99.5 |
--gray-level-transformation | int | False | The method of setting output label value, 0,None; 1,Maximum Contrast; 2,Positive Integer; 3,Custom | 0 | 3 |
--glt-parameters | str | False | The input parameters when Gray Level Transformation is Custom | None | Water:1, building:2 |
--filter | float | False | Filter out samples with few foreground pixels | 0.05 | 0.05 |
ObjectDetection.py --input-image=xxx.tif --input-shpfile=xxx.shp --class-field=xxx --output-path=xxx
--input-image | str | TRUE | the input source imagery | None | C:/GF2_PMS1_L1A0003131556-MSS1.tif |
--input-shpfile | str | TRUE | the labeled vector data | None | C:/bridge.shp |
--class-field | str | TRUE | The field used to distinguish different categories | None | class |
--tile-size | int | FALSE | The size of the output sample | 512 | 512 |
--output-path | str | TRUE | output folder | None | C:/output |
--meta-format | str | FALSE | The format of the output metadata labels, including PASCAL VOC, YOLO and KITTI | PASCAL VOC | PASCAL VOC |
--output-img-format | str | FALSE | the output image foramt, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF | TIFF | JPEG |
--overlap-size | int | FALSE | The overlap size of the output sample | 16 | 16 |
--band-list | str | FALSE | output bands list, default is all bands | None | 3,2,1 |
--stretch-method | int | FALSE | Band stretching method. 0,Percentage Truncation; 1,Standard Deviation; 2,Maximum and Minimum | 0 | 0 |
--stretch-parameters | str | FALSE | the input parameters used for Percentage Truncation or Standard Deviation | None | 0.5,99.5 |
--vision | bool | FALSE | whether to generate visualization results | True | True |
Classification.py --input-image=xxx.tif --input-shpfile=xxx.shp --class-field=xxx --output-path=xxx
--input-image | str | TRUE | the input source imagery | None | C:/GF2_PMS1_L1A0003131556-MSS1.tif |
--input-shpfile | str | TRUE | the labeled vector data | None | C:/landuse.shp |
--class-field | str | TRUE | The field used to distinguish different categories | None | class |
--tile-size | int | FALSE | The size of the output sample | 128 | 64 |
--output-path | str | TRUE | The ouput folder | None | C:/output |
--output-img-format | str | FALSE | The format of the output sample, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF | TIFF | TIFF |
--overlap-size | int | FALSE | The overlap size of the output sample | 16 | 16 |
--band-list | str | FALSE | Bands used to generate samples | None | 3,2,1 |
--resampling-type | int | FALSE | Resampling method, including 0,Nearest; 1,Bilinear; 2,Cubic | 0 | 0 |
--stretch-method | int | FALSE | Band stretching method,including 0,Percentage Truncation; 1,Standard Deviation; 2,Maximum and Minimum | 0 | 0 |
--stretch-parameters | str | FALSE | the input parameters of band stretching | None | 0.5,99.5 |
Li J, Meng L, Yang B, Tao C, Li L, Zhang W. LabelRS: An Automated Toolbox to Make Deep Learning Samples from Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(11):2064. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13112064