A client library for sbpayment (Softbank Payment Service) written in Ruby.
gem 'sbpayment'
See example.
Sbpayment.configure do |x|
x.sandbox = true
Properties | Description | Default | Required | Type |
sandbox | when this option is true, endpoint will be SBPS Developer Console's one | false | false | Boolean |
basic_auth_user | use basic auth user given by sbpayment | "" | false | String |
basic_auth_password | user basic auth password given by sbpayment | "" | false | String |
merchant_id | merchant_id for a params to request | "" | true | String |
service_id | service_id for a params to request | "" | true | String |
cipher_code | use cipher_code given by sbpayment | "" | false | String |
cipher_iv | use cipher_iv given by sbpayment | "" | false | String |
hashkey | use hashkey given by sbpayment | "" | true | String |
proxy_uri | set forward proxy uri if you need | "" | false | String |
proxy_user | set forward proxy's user if you need | "" | false | String |
proxy_password | set forward proxy's password if you need | "" | false | String |
allow_multiple_service_id | if your application uses multiple service_id from 1 application, set true, then you need to pass service_id every time explicitly | false | false | Boolean |
Implemented actions are only for what we needed so far. Feel free to add here if you need it.
Currently client side encoding is supported only for UTF-8. (UTF-8 to Shift-JIS)
Action Name | sps-api-request id | Request class |
与信要求 | ST01-00111-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::AuthorizationRequest |
再与信要求 | ST01-00113-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::ReAuthorizationRequest |
コミット (確定処理) | ST02-00101-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::CommitRequest |
決済結果参照 | MG01-00101-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::InquireAuthorizationRequest |
取消要求 | ST02-00305-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::CancelAuthorizationRequest |
返金要求 | ST02-00303-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::RefundRequest |
部分返金要求 | ST02-00307-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::PartlyRefundRequest |
顧客情報登録 | MG02-00101-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::CreateCustomerRequest |
顧客情報更新 | MG02-00102-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::UpdateCustomerRequest |
顧客情報削除 | MG02-00103-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::DeleteCustomerRequest |
顧客情報参照 | MG02-00104-101 |
Sbpayment::API::Credit::ReadCustomerRequest |
Action Name | sps-api-request id | Request class |
ドコモケータイ払い 取消・返金要求処理 (簡易継続) | ST02-00303-401 |
Sbpayment::API::Docomo::SimplifiedCancelRefundRequest |
Action Name | sps-api-request id | Request class |
auかんたん決済 取消・返金要求処理 | ST02-00303-402 |
Sbpayment::API::Au::CancelRefundRequest |
Action Name | sps-api-request id | Request class |
ソフトバンクまとめて支払い B 継続課金(定期) 要求処理 | ST01-00104-405 |
Sbpayment::API::Softbank::AuthorizationRequest |
ソフトバンクまとめて支払い B 継続課金(定期) 確定処理 | ST02-00201-405 |
Sbpayment::API::Softbank::CommitRequest |
ソフトバンクまとめて支払い(B)継続課金(定期) 取消返金要求 | ST02-00303-405 |
Sbpayment::API::Softbank::CancelRefundRequest |
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
- Fork it ( https://github.com/quipper/sbpayment.rb/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request