A Grunt plugin to provide local build tasks for Phonegap applications
integrates Phonegap development with Grunt-based workflows
by wrapping the Phonegap 3.0 command line interface.
Rather than polluting the top-level of your project, grunt-phonegap
copies your files into a
subdirectory containing the Phonegap project, which gets regenerated every time the task phonegap:build
is executed.
You will need the phonegap
CLI tool installed globally to use grunt-phonegap
npm install phonegap -g
You should also install whatever system dependencies are required by the platforms you intend to target.
For help with that, see Platform Guides from the Phonegap documentation.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-phonegap --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named phonegap
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
Point phonegap.config.root
to the output of your other build steps (where your index.html
file is located).
Point phonegap.config.config
to your config.xml file.
should be the .cordova
directory that is generated by phonegap create
. It must
contain a config.json
file or your app cannot be built.
phonegap: {
config: {
root: 'www',
config: 'www/config.xml',
cordova: '.cordova',
path: 'phonegap',
plugins: ['/local/path/to/plugin', 'http://example.com/path/to/plugin.git'],
platforms: ['android'],
maxBuffer: 200, // You may need to raise this for iOS.
verbose: false,
releases: 'releases',
releaseName: function(){
var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
return(pkg.name + '-' + pkg.version);
// Add a key if you plan to use the `release:android` task
// See http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html
key: {
store: 'release.keystore',
alias: 'release',
aliasPassword: function(){
// Prompt, read an environment variable, or just embed as a string literal
storePassword: function(){
// Prompt, read an environment variable, or just embed as a string literal
// Set an app icon at various sizes (optional)
icons: {
android: {
ldpi: 'icon-36-ldpi.png',
mdpi: 'icon-48-mdpi.png',
hdpi: 'icon-72-hdpi.png',
xhdpi: 'icon-96-xhdpi.png'
wp8: {
app: 'icon-62-tile.png',
tile: 'icon-173-tile.png'
// Set a splash screen at various sizes (optional)
// Only works for Android now
screens: {
android: {
ldpi: 'screen-ldpi-portrait.png'
// landscape version
ldpiLand: 'screen-ldpi-landscape.png'
mdpi: 'screen-mdpi-portrait.png'
// landscape version
mdpiLand: 'screen-mdpi-landscape.png'
hdpi: 'screen-hdpi-portrait.png'
// landscape version
hdpiLand: 'screen-hdpi-landscape.png'
xhdpi: 'screen-xhdpi-portrait.png'
// landscape version
xhdpiLand: 'www/screen-xhdpi-landscape.png'
// Android-only integer version to increase with each release.
// See http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/versioning.html
versionCode: function(){ return(1) }
Beginning with v0.4.1, phonegap.config.config
may be either a string or an object.
As a string, the file is copied directly, as with previous versions.
As an object with the keys template<String>
and data<Object>
, the file at template
be processed using grunt.template.
// ...
phonegap: {
config: {
config: {
template: '_myConfig.xml',
data: {
id: 'com.grunt-phonegap.example'
version: grunt.pkg.version
name: grunt.pkg.name
// ...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
id="<%= id %>"
version="<%= version %>"
<name><%= name %></name>
<!-- ... -->
If you choose to set phonegap.config.icons
with one or more icon sizes, these files
will be copied into the appropriate directories to use as your app icon.
You may want to use this feature in conjunction with grunt-rasterize to generate the correctly sized icon files from an SVG source.
Currently this feature only supports Android and Windows Phone 8.
phonegap: {
config: {
// ...
icons: {
android: {
ldpi: 'icon-36-ldpi.png',
mdpi: 'icon-48-mdpi.png',
hdpi: 'icon-72-hdpi.png',
xhdpi: 'icon-96-xhdpi.png'
wp8: {
app: 'icon-62-tile.png',
tile: 'icon-173-tile.png'
// ...
The config-xml documentation from Phonegap Build (the hosted build service)
indicate that you can set a versionCode for your AndroidManifest.xml
file inside your config.xml
. However, phonegap local
just ignores that property.
Google Play will not allow you to upload more than one APK with the same versionCode
If you set a phonegap.config.versionCode
value (function or literal), grunt phonegap:build
will post-process the generated
file and set it for you.
In most applications it should simply be an integer that you increment with each release.
See http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/versioning.html
Running phonegap:build
with no arguments will...
- Purge your
- Copy your
files into it - Add any plugins listed in
- ..and then generate a Phonegap build for all platforms listed in
After a build is complete, the phonegap:run
grunt task can be used to launch your app
on an emulator or hardware device. It accepts two optional arguments, platform
and device
Example: grunt phonegap:run:android:emulator
If you are using the Android platform, you can see the list of connected devices by running adb devices
The platform argument will default to the first platform listed in phonegap.config.platforms
Create a releases/ directory containing a signed application package for distribution.
Currently android
is the only platform supported by this task. You will need to create
a keystore file at phonegap.config.key.store
like this:
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias release -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
The keytool command will interactively ask you to set store and alias passwords, which must match
the return value of phonegap.config.key.aliasPassword
and phonegap.config.key.storePassword
git clone https://github.com/logankoester/grunt-phonegap.git
cd grunt-phonegap
npm install
git submodule init
git submodule update
Note that not all tests can be run on all platforms. For example, tests depending on the Windows Phone SDK will be skipped if your OS is detected to be non-Windows.
Fork the repo on Github and open a pull request. Note that the files in tasks/
and test/
are the output of
CoffeeScript files in src/
, and will be overwritten if edited by hand.
Before running the included test suite, you must first run git submodule update
on your local clone (see above).
- Adds configuration for Android splash screens. (thanks @arthurgeek)
The icon configuration API has changed to permit multiple platforms. If you
used this feature before v0.7.0
, please update your Gruntfile as per
the updated example in README.md
- Adds app icon management for Windows Phone 8 (thanks @kombucha)
- FIX: Cordova hook file permissions are now preserved (#13)
- FIX: Release keystore file path can lead to unexpected escaped characters (Windows) (#15)
- FIX: No longer inadvertantly attempt a device deploy instead of an emulator deploy when the
emulator option is passed to
(#17) - Reorganizes tests into an improved file structure based on platforms and features
- Removes indirect references to Grunt's deprecated external (lodash & async) libraries
- Updates devDependencies
to their latest versions.
- FIX: fixAndroidVersionCode not handling the config.versionCode correctly
- Adds configurable
for Android applications
- Allows you to set the maxBuffer size for child processes
- Adds app icon management for Android
- Fixes a regression in 0.4.1 that causes the apk copied into the release directory to contain 0 bytes
- Adds option to process custom config.xml as a template
- Adds
task to build a releases/ directory containing a signed APK for distribution. - Includes compiled tasks/ directory in source countrol
- Removes
npm dependency - install it globally with -g instead.
- Fixes issue #2 "Test not completing" (thanks @skarjalainen and @jrvidal)
- Removed default 'device' flag (thanks @robwalch)
- Adds 'config' option for specifying a custom path to 'config.xml'.
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Logan Koester.
Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE-MIT
for details.