A set of BuildCustomizations for preprocessing/preassembling DynASM source files for inclusion in C/C++ source files. Should work for Visual Studio 2010 and newer.
I’d like to work under the assumption that if you’re smart enough to be working on a project that requires DynASM, you’re smarter enough to figure this out on your own without me over-explaining it. Either add the directory of this repo to your BuildCustomization search paths or copy the contents of this repo into your default BuildCustomizations folder. For Visual Studio 2010, this would be something like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MsBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\BuildCustomizations
If everything is done correctly, you should see a DynASM section under your project configuration properties. (and in the Properties of the .dasc file itself) If you have any difficulties, there’s some helpful comments in dasm.props. If you still can’t figure it out or you run into issues, you could always post an issue here or message me for help.
By default, the build customization will operate on .dasc files, turning them into .inl files for their inclusion in C/C++ source files. There was a valid reason I had it generate include files versus compile-able source files, though that reason escapes me now. Think it had something to do with duplicate symbol definitions when more than one file includes dasm_proto.h.
Special MsBuild Properties:
- Defines the absolute filepath to the lua executable used in running dynasm. (By default, this uses the minilua executable included with this repo)
- Defines the absolute filepath to the directory containing dynasm.lua. (By default, this uses the luajit\dynasm included in this repo) If this is not defined, but DynASMPath
is, it will use the parent directory. This property is required if you want the DynASM headers automatically added to your include search path.
- Defines the absolute filepath of the dynasm.lua script. (By default, this uses $(DynASMDir)\dynasm.lua
, assuming $(DynASMDir) contains a value)
- Optional property defining the absolute filepath to the vsdynasm executable, which is not used or defined by default. (vsdynasm.exe turned out to be redundant for reasons) If this is defined, it will be used to run dynasm. If not, the lua executable and dynasm script path from the properties above will be used.
I wrote these customizations while experimenting with the idea of using dynasm to dynamically generate shellcode for one of my projects. Didn't quite work for what I needed, but I ended up adding a few extensions to dynasm along the way. Those additions can be found in the contrib folder in the form of a patch to the original dynasm.lua script, and the dasm_contrib.lua module. See the file header of dasm_contrib.lua for details.