A Drupal Module offering a Single Sign On solution integration using Impexium
- After login into Impexium systems
- Redirect to drupal site sso endpoint with user id and sso params
- Verify SSO token against api
- Query existing users by supplied user id or loginEmail
- If user exists, update the desired fields with impexium user data
- authenticate to Drupal
- If user does not exist, create a new user with impexium user data
- authenticate to drupal.
Install with composer by adding the repository to composer.json. Example:
"repositories": { "0": { "type": "composer", "url": "https://packages.drupal.org/8" }, "matt/impexium_sso": { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/mattc321/impexium_sso.git" } },
Then you can install using
composer require matt/impexium_sso
Enable the module
drush pm-enable impexium_sso
Configure the API credentials and settings on the configuration page
You can download the source code from the releases page, unzip into the modules directory of your Drupal site. Then you can install from the Drupal UI.
Once installed, you may enter the new endpoint into your Impexium system using the following url format to set the sso login and logout url:
This url will take in the UserId, SSO or Action params provided by Impexium.
REST API Services:
- "impexium_sso.api_service" provided by \Drupal\impexium_sso\Service\ImpexiumSsoService
- "impexium_sso.client" provided by \Drupal\impexium_sso\Api\Client
This module provides a pre authentication hook. This hook allows modules to instruct the SSO Service whether or not it can authenticate a user.
* Allow participants to set the $allowLoginResponse to false.
* This will prevent authentication.
* By default, false will always win. To override this use setForceTrue();
* @see AllowLoginResponse::setAllowLogin()
* @param UserInterface $drupalUser
* @param ImpexiumUser $impexiumUser
* @param AllowLoginResponse $allowLoginResponse
function hook_impexium_sso_should_authenticate_user(UserInterface $drupalUser, ImpexiumUser $impexiumUser, AllowLoginResponse $allowLoginResponse)
if ($drupalUser->status->value == false || $drupalUser->status->value === 0) {
\Drupal::service('impexium_sso.exception_handler')->handleException(new UserDataException('This user is currently disabled. Cannot login.'));