Tags: justinrubek/svelte-calendar
chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci] # 1.0.0 (2023-01-08) ### Bug Fixes * .nojekyll for gh-pages ([0cfe8ae](0cfe8ae)) * **6eDesign#128, 6eDesign#126:** Updates to project configuration to support usage inside svelte-kit applications ([6eDesign#130](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/130)) ([1edd9ef](1edd9ef)), closes [6eDesign#128](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/128) [6eDesign#126](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/126) * add [@semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release) plugins ([f93d866](f93d866)) * add additional targets to postpackage rewrite script ([83312d6](83312d6)) * add FiniteGrid, update prettier/readme ([e578881](e578881)) * add postversion step for semantic-release ([2e80dfc](2e80dfc)) * add prepackage step to rewrite imports ([e19de04](e19de04)) * add shouldEnlargeDay and enlargeDay (FKA showDay) to store; disable enlargeDay on InlineCalendar ([f6767ed](f6767ed)) * add stopPropagation to touch events ([98f8ac1](98f8ac1)) * Add styling to indicate which dates are selectable. Prevent out-of-range months from being selected in month-picker and add appropriate styling. ([e61b6b2](e61b6b2)) * Added button type attribute ([6eDesign#34](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/34)) ([a5475eb](a5475eb)) * animation bug when enlarging day that is also present as outsider date of adjacent calendar page ([43199af](43199af)) * browser compatibility issues ([06c5016](06c5016)) * bug fix for cellCount !== 1 in InfiniteGrid + additional exports ([8aa5ee2](8aa5ee2)) * bugfix - un-enlarge day when picker closes ([290e8cc](290e8cc)) * css tweak to prevent overflow ([9197fb6](9197fb6)) * doc navigation bar ([0384cf7](0384cf7)) * docs ([2afef36](2afef36)) * docs ([85da44c](85da44c)) * docs ([904b716](904b716)) * docs ([71d44db](71d44db)) * docs ([04c449e](04c449e)) * docs ([cf0d7cd](cf0d7cd)) * docs ([c0533a3](c0533a3)) * eslint fixes ([d6df6ac](d6df6ac)) * export grids ([41e8612](41e8612)) * firefox performance issue ([8d4e037](8d4e037)) * Fix for popover positioning when parent changes dimensions ([ffaf6f4](ffaf6f4)) * Fix Popover.svelte bug introduced by svelte 3 migration. Note, this introduces async/await which is not transpiled by buble. Also, code style modifications. ([aa03bbd](aa03bbd)) * gh-pages & snowpack issues ([2e79a69](2e79a69)) * gh-pages generation ([a2f3e08](a2f3e08)) * handle scrollable action destroy lifecycle + fix touch delta math ([0b07ad3](0b07ad3)) * ignore line for eslint (error suddenly popped up but only in travis [odd]) ([17c4be1](17c4be1)) * implement eslint ([d8bd8cf](d8bd8cf)) * json ([4696d50](4696d50)) * light gh-pages work ([5bb9739](5bb9739)) * linting issue ([4ed23e2](4ed23e2)) * linting issues ([8816456](8816456)) * linting issues ([a24aa7c](a24aa7c)) * linting violations ([07c868f](07c868f)) * minor style fixes ([e82b3e5](e82b3e5)) * move dayjs and just-throttle to dependencies ([6dee7b3](6dee7b3)) * packaging issues ([866ae40](866ae40)) * postpackage script ([0e5b953](0e5b953)) * push minified bundle ([a593a2c](a593a2c)) * readme ([76a4ad7](76a4ad7)) * relase.config.js -> release.config.cjs ([52dce22](52dce22)) * release scripts ([7839ccc](7839ccc)) * release scripts ([a3bc1cb](a3bc1cb)) * release.config updates ([6b3651e](6b3651e)) * release.config.cjs ([62ce395](62ce395)) * remove .bind(this) in Popover component which is no longer needed in svelte v3 ([29341ea](29341ea)) * remove console.log ([a08ddf3](a08ddf3)) * remove erroneous setting from svelte.config.js ([38c529e](38c529e)) * rewrite package.main (index.js) imports in postpackage script ([8374348](8374348)) * scrollable action - prevent scrolling on supplied node by disabling touch-action ([089f808](089f808)) * Setup test page/bundle for non-svelte usage ([cf44ceb](cf44ceb)) * styles ([503b8e1](503b8e1)) * styles ([73e7d59](73e7d59)) * styling issue ([cf41e95](cf41e95)) * Update .popover class to .sc-popover to prevent conflict with bootstrap, fixes issue 41 ([6eDesign#42](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/42)) ([1ccdb62](1ccdb62)) * update action workflows ([890432f](890432f)) * update ci nodejs to v14 ([9c7c8e6](9c7c8e6)) * update gh-pages title ([a736fe0](a736fe0)) * update gh-pages title ([0f2479c](0f2479c)) * update inlinecalendar default props ([ecb3734](ecb3734)) * update props documentation ([926f7a6](926f7a6)) * update readme ([f879ed1](f879ed1)) * update readme ([c76eb3e](c76eb3e)) * update release.config & package.main ([d04fd68](d04fd68)) * update release.config to use sveltekit package command ([acd0752](acd0752)) * update snowpack base url for gh pages ([44a47ab](44a47ab)) * update version of timeutils ([a39c5d2](a39c5d2)) * update vscode settings ([5a8b9e9](5a8b9e9)) * use |local modifier for transitions so that they don't play out on navigation ([6eDesign#67](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/67)) ([8242299](8242299)) * use default cursor instead of not-allowed for disabled days ([3d42536](3d42536)) ### chore * **release:** 2.0.0 [skip ci] ([2a4cd9f](2a4cd9f)) * breaking change: add snowpack build process, github actions, and fix for default start/end dates (6eDesign#103) ([40346a4](40346a4)), closes [6eDesign#103](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/103) ### Features * add basic theming functionality ([ce244db](ce244db)) * Add marked dates to InlineCalendar ([7d126be](7d126be)) * add startOfWeekIndex prop and update props documentation ([73de1d4](73de1d4)) * allow styling of div which wraps the Datepicker component ([19d4b07](19d4b07)) * emit dateSelected event from <Datepicker />, [beyonk-adventures:feature/onchange-event] ([c11fc69](c11fc69)) * Internationalization (add daysOfWeek and monthsOfYear props) ([a290701](a290701)) * Internationalization (add daysOfWeek and monthsOfYear props) ([20c6d5a](20c6d5a)) * lighter color/opacity for disabled days ([d139457](d139457)) * Merge pull request [6eDesign#16](https://github.com/justinrubek/svelte-calendar/issues/16) from beyonk-adventures/feature/console-warnings ([6ba44f5](6ba44f5)) * pass formattedSelected to slot ([3149c93](3149c93)) * pass selected to slot ([3a5bd43](3a5bd43)) * remove pseudo element ([b3078ab](b3078ab)) ### Reverts * 2c52cb9 ([991f2ae](991f2ae)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * v3.0.0 release * **release:** add snowpack build process, github actions, and fix for default start/end dates (6eDesign#103) ([40346a4](6eDesign@40346a4)), closes [6eDesign#103](6eDesign#103) ### BREAKING CHANGES * update default start/end dates & new build process * feat: CI workflow * fix: CI workflow update * fix: remove package-lock from gitignore * fix: remove .travis.yml * fix: add github pages to release.yml workflow * fix: update readme Co-authored-by: Jonathan Greenemeier <[email protected]> * update default start/end dates & new build process * feat: CI workflow * fix: CI workflow update * fix: remove package-lock from gitignore * fix: remove .travis.yml * fix: add github pages to release.yml workflow * fix: update readme Co-authored-by: Jonathan Greenemeier <[email protected]>