A browser extension to find images with no or insufficient alt text
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
A linter plugin to check for inclusive language in markdown files.
Community reviews on the accessibility of tools and services.
A prototyping system built with web components and the Houdini Paint API
A Raspberry Pi jukebox, playing local music, podcasts, web radio and streams triggered by RFID cards, web app or home automation. All plug and play via USB. GPIO scripts available.
Website for the A11y Meetup Berlin
Aims to be the biggest checklist of inclusive design considerations ever
Message passing between ServiceWorker and pages made simple
JavaScript helpers to enhance a form.
DEPRECATED: The Wordpress Theme for
JavaScript library to help modern web applications with accessibility concerns
Tips and resources for reporting browser bugs
Collection of demos used in articles on
[Deprecated] A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline.
Script to share highlighted text via twitter
Simple way to get browser information from people reporting a bug
Node.js CMS and web app framework
Use cases and requirements for installable web apps
A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStorage
justmarkup / css3-sass-mixins
Forked from madr/css3-sass-mixinsSASS mixins which makes it easy to use css3 in SASS or SCSS powered projects
justmarkup / css3test
Forked from LeaVerou/css3testHow does your browser score for its CSS3 support?