Welcome to the PortalMovies archive, a web catalog based on TheMovieDB API movie created to display the complete information of movies according to their movie genre.
Created by: Pilar Camargo Márquez
Website | GitHub | LinkedIn
React 0.0.0
Material UI 5.0
- React and MUI (Material UI)
- No using any low/no-code builders for this example.
- (Optional) The use of Storybook
- Responsive design.
Use the package manager npm to install this project.
$ git clone https://github.com/justoneye/PortalMovies
$ cd ../portalmovies/
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
After installation, the following files will be displayed:
├── components/
| ...
├── multimedia/
| └── images, icons, logos, photos, etc.
├── public/
| └── index.html
| ...
├── pages/
| ...
├── src/
| └── App.css
| └── App.js
| └── index.css
| └── index.js
| └── logo.svg
└── node_modules/
| ...
└── README.md
└── package.json
To finish this test the content of the page (images, icons, logos, etc.) were taken from the following free resources: