wardriving Public
Forked from 5l1v3r1/wardrivingPython Wardriving
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 6, 2022 -
spf_new_module Public
Spiderfoot Get Host By Name
PayloadsAllTheThings Public
Forked from swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThingsA list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 5, 2022 -
SecLists Public
Forked from danielmiessler/SecListsSecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, se…
holehe Public
Forked from megadose/holeheholehe allows you to check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2021 -
toutatis Public
Forked from megadose/toutatisToutatis is a tool that allows you to extract information from instagrams accounts such as e-mails, phone numbers and more
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 12, 2021 -
copilot-docs Public
Forked from github/copilot-docsDocumentation for GitHub Copilot
vulhub Public
Forked from vulhub/vulhubPre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedNov 6, 2021 -
ShellStorm Public
Forked from 0bfxgh0st/ShellStormReverse shell generator
Shell UpdatedOct 29, 2021 -
safeVPN-THM Public
Forked from Wh1teDrvg0n/safeVPN-THMiptables rules to only have incoming connections from the machine on TryHackMe
electron-quick-start Public template
Forked from electron/electron-quick-startClone to try a simple Electron app
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedOct 25, 2021 -
evilginx2 Public
Forked from kgretzky/evilginx2Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
Go GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 19, 2021 -
gophish Public
Forked from gophish/gophishOpen-Source Phishing Toolkit
Go Other UpdatedOct 15, 2021 -
theHarvester Public
Forked from laramies/theHarvesterE-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
Python UpdatedOct 11, 2021 -
discover Public
Forked from leebaird/discoverCustom bash scripts used to automate various penetration testing tasks including recon, scanning, parsing, and creating malicious payloads and listeners with Metasploit.
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2021 -
FOCA Public
Forked from ElevenPaths/FOCATool to find metadata and hidden information in the documents.
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
ufonet Public
Forked from epsylon/ufonetUFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit
JavaScript UpdatedSep 17, 2021 -
instapi Public
Forked from uriyyo/instapi📷 Python Instagram API
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2021 -
evilTrust Public
Forked from s4vitar/evilTrustHerramienta ideal para el despliegue automatizado de un Rogue AP con capacidad de selección de plantilla + 2FA. No requiere de conexión cableada.
PHP UpdatedSep 12, 2021 -
autoBspwm Public
Forked from yorkox0/autoBspwmEste script añade la config de s4vitar a bspwm automaticamente!
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 6, 2021 -
Open-Source-Intellingence-Resources Public
Forked from TCM-Course-Resources/Open-Source-Intellingence-ResourcesCompilation of Resources from TCM's OSINT Course
Shell UpdatedSep 5, 2021 -
htbExplorer Public
Forked from s4vitar/htbExplorerCliente de terminal hecho en Bash ideal para trabajar cómodamente desde consola sobre la plataforma de HackTheBox.
fsociety Public
Forked from Manisso/fsocietyfsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2021 -
commando-vm Public
Forked from mandiant/commando-vmComplete Mandiant Offensive VM (Commando VM), a fully customizable Windows-based pentesting virtual machine distribution. [email protected]
PowerShell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 24, 2021 -
social-engineer-toolkit Public
Forked from trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkitThe Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) repository from TrustedSec - All new versions of SET will be deployed here.
Python UpdatedJul 23, 2021 -
cool-retro-term Public
Forked from Swordfish90/cool-retro-termA good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
ignorant Public
Forked from megadose/ignorantignorant allows you to check if a phone number is used on different sites like snapchat, instagram.