If you haven't heard about Astro yet you're missing out. This starter repo gives you a blog website with a headless CMS setup using Sanity.io.
Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this starter either. With excellent SEO built in, Astro's excellent developer environment, and performance best practices you're getting one of the best foundations for a personal blog with posts written in markdown. The reason for making such a bare bones starter in terms of styles is that it has what you need out of the box for SEO and site structure but it makes no assumptions about how you want it look and behave.
Sometimes starters can feel like they are giving us way too much and you'll spend a day picking apart half of the code to get to the setup you actually wanted. Want to use vanilla CSS instead of Tailwind or Scss? No problem!
- A customizable headless CMS with Sanity.io
- Excellent SEO Built In
- Open Graph Tags (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
- User Declared Canonical URLs
- RSS Feed
- XML Sitemap
- Robots.txt
- JSON LD Schema
- Extremely minimal styles
- Performant Google Fonts Setup
Watch my step-by-step tutorial on YouTube
Follow the manual steps below:
- Create a repo from this template
- If you don't have the Sanity CLI already run
npm install -g @sanity/cli
- Open a terminal from root folder of the project
cd sanity
sanity install
sanity init
and follow the prompts (you will need to create a Sanity account if you haven't already)npm run graphql-deploy
- Take note of the graphql API url it outputs once finished
- Navigate to the astro folder
- Rename
and - Replace the PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID value with your token ID
- Replace the PUBLIC_SANITY_GRAPHQL_URL value with your GraphQL URL
Note: You will want to add http://localhost:3000 to your allowed CORS orgins in your Sanity project settings at https://manage.sanity.io
- Open a terminal located at the sanity folder
sanity install
sanity start
- Your studio should be running on http://localhost:3333
- Open http://localhost:3333 and copy the project ID from the Project info section
- Open a terminal located at the astro folder
npm install
npm start
- Your Astro site should be running on http://localhost:3000
npm run build
to build to production locally