- Hangzhou China
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Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
UI-Lovelace-Minimalist is a "theme" for HomeAssistant
Standard Go Project Layout
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK…
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
【此版本不是线上版本】🐷 不记录任何用户身份信息;专注记账的目的;账单清晰自然,报表易懂易分析;助你理财之路轻松有意义,小程序【单单记账】。
Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.
All-in-one & Easy-to-use. Integrate all your Xiaomi Smart Home - with a single integration and NO YAML files - into Home Assistant.
🤘 A collection of Alfred 3 and 4 workflows that will rock your world
The AWK Programming Language (AWK 程序设计语言, awkbook) 中文翻译, LaTeX 排版
🚀⭐ Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. Problem solved.
📌 异步线程池框架,支持线程池动态变更&监控&报警,无需修改代码轻松引入。Asynchronous thread pool framework, support Thread Pool Dynamic Change & monitoring & Alarm, no need to modify the code easily introduced.
2023-2025中国节假日、调休、补班日历,ICS格式,可供IPhone、Google Calendar、Outlook等客户端订阅,包含节假日API
IntelliJ plugin - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7179
😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
Design patterns implemented in Java
One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
A maven plugin for managing client side (local) git configuration for those working on your project. Including but not limited to setting git config, installing hooks, validating the local repository.