html/ contains the files for the JS implementation of GTE
Note: .html files are on their github URL displayed with their source code, as all code files on github, and NOT as html pages.
To test them as html pages you can navigate to
To update this when changes happen to master type
ghp-import -p html
This moves the directory html
, which contains index.html
, to the root of a
new branch gh-pages. For more details see
On Linux you can install ghp-import via
pip install ghp-import
- cd server
- Install node
- Install npm
- run "npm install"
- Download lrslib-061.tar.gz (You can use the command : "wget")
- Extract file (" tar -xvzf lrslib-061.tar.gz")
- cd lrslib-061
- Compile all the algorithms (make all)
- cd .. (server)
- Run "node server.js" (Make sure you are in the server directory)
- localhost:3000/tree for tree games
- localhost:3000/strategic for independent games
This file also contains the new strategic form structure and implementation by Jaume Vives Features include:
- BR finder and box creator (around the payoffs)
- Edit and set dimension functionalities working
- Correct Strategy Profiles structure