This is the project repository of the final project of udacity robotics software nano degree. The project is developed to simulate virtual turtle bot in a virtual world setup. Turtlebot moves to predefined pick up zone and after that it moves to predefined drop zone.
This project is fully developed with gazebo simulator. Output is given below
Shell scripts are programmed to run multiple ros commands. Shell scripts are created as .sh file and change its execution type by chmod -x path_to_shell_script And it can be run using commands ./path_to_shell_script
Virtual world, that was develpoed for previous projects, is also used for this project. It is a customized virtual world that is developed in Gazebo simulator. Map file was developed using pgm_map_creator package ''
Turtlebot is used for this project. Package used ca be found in this repository.
For visualizing results, default rviz configurations are implemented with simple modification. ROS package can be found under
For SLAM testing, keyboard navigation is required. turtlebot_teleop package is used for this purpose. Robot can be easily navigated using keys.
gmapping package is cloned for easy SLAM. Package url:
All shell scripts can be found under path 'src/scripts/' -- For testing SLAM algorithm with keyboard manual navigation -- For testing navigation by setting 2D goals in rviz. -- for tesing pick objects node -- for testing virtual object appearences -- Complete scripts for testing this project
pick_objects c++ nodes is developed to navigate robot to the pick zone and drop zone. This node sends navigation goal positon to the ROS. It is further controlled with AMCL algorithm. package: pick_objects
add_markers node creates virtual objects in the rviz for better visualization. A sphere shaped virtual object is displayed in the rviz visualization. For getting robot pose amcl_pose topic is subscribed. package: add_markers
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
sudo pat-get install xterm
cd path_to_cloned_repository
cd src/scripts
chmod -x