proguard resource for Android by wechat team
Open-Sora: Democratizing Efficient Video Production for All
🔮 Let Retrofit support multiple baseUrl and can be change the baseUrl at runtime (以最简洁的 Api 让 Retrofit 同时支持多个 BaseUrl 以及动态改变 BaseUrl).
Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android
本项目是一个基于多进程的Android IM即时通信中间件,旨在提高应用程序的稳定性和安全性。在本项目中,我们将详细介绍多进程架构和流程设计,并展示详细的时序图和类图,让您更好地了解该中间件的实现过程。
Android SwipeDrawer滑动抽屉库,支持上下左右四个方向,打开模式有抽屉、覆盖、固定三种,支持无限嵌套、边缘滑动等,SwipeDrawer还可以用来做下拉刷新,支持ListView、RecyclerView、GridView、ScrollView等。
A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer 一个简单且可自定义的Android全屏图像浏览器
precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
Material Design Samples。ConstraintLayout、MaterialButton、ShapeableImageView、TabLayout、SearchView...
A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.
Multiple samples showing the best practices in views-widgets on Android.
Play with AgoraSDK and have fun! Everything you need to start learning Agora.
A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator, TabLayout and PagerSlidingTabStrip —— 强大、可定制、易扩展的 ViewPager 指示器框架。是ViewPagerInd…
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
🔥🔥🔥Banner 2.0 来了!Android广告图片轮播控件,内部基于ViewPager2实现,Indicator和UI都可以自定义。
Android APP缺省页的正确打开方式 高度解耦、低侵入、易拓展 多状态视图状态切换器
Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
A type-safe HTTP client for Android and the JVM
Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
🔥 xCrash provides the Android app with the ability to capture java crash, native crash and ANR. No root permission or any system permissions are required.