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I am 21 years old student. I am currently in my third year of studies in the field of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. My strength is solving problems, especially mathematical and programming ones.
A medical facility management system, a project I was part of. The program provides a wide range of facilities for both the patient and the doctor in the medical facility, i.e. making an appointment, viewing medical documentation, etc.
This project aims to classify music genres using machine learning algorithms and audio feature analysis.
This project aims to develop an Article Retrieval System powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
The Arrhythmia Detection project aims to identify arrhythmias from electrocardiogram (ECG) data using machine learning techniques.
Programs Generation - Genetic Programming
A program designed to generate programs for given problems using genetic programming.
Simulation of crowd evacuation of the AGH Student Campus using mainly technologies such as Mesa and Python.
A program that identifies people with the lower half of their face covered.
A web application designed to display travel agency offers, purchase/review trips, etc.
A program with its own interface that converts code written in Ruby into code written in Python.
Simple Zombie Game written in Java.
Implementation of HashTable using C++.
A program designed to read CSV files written in Java technology.
ML tasks using Keras and TensorFlow.
Data Engineering tasks.