This is a VSCode extension. the code generate for Dart lang, i created it just for fun, so don't expect this extension can help you(even me😂).
generate a simple constructor code
💩show super class document on the splited window(this's an experimental feature and using Dart command "goToSuper")
generate final variables code.
You should allready installed extension Dart in VSCode.
Generate a simple constructor code (It can't understand what is your super class)
Show super class document and it will split the window, its performance just like💩
it will show a inputbox, then transform your input from [normal variable declartion] to [final variable decalration]. Example: You input "int a;double b=3.3;"and confirm then your editor will insert "final int a;\n final double b=3.3;\n" into your code.
Quick picker for the all DartKu commands. (Now just three commands above)
this extension isn't worth to install and my english is too terriable to understand your any quesion, Haha. But i will do my best to understand😎 even my english levels likes 💩.