june-analytics-next Public
Forked from juneHQ/june-analytics-nextThe next version of AJS
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2023 -
next-i18next Public
Forked from i18next/next-i18nextThe easiest way to translate your NextJs apps.
prisma Public
Forked from prisma/prismaNext-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
liveblocks Public
Forked from liveblocks/liveblocksThis repository is a set of open-source packages for building performant and reliable multiplayer experiences.
supabase-auth-helpers Public
Forked from supabase/auth-helpersA collection of framework specific Auth utilities for working with Supabase.
nestjs-sentry Public
Forked from ntegral/nestjs-sentryProvides an injectable sentry.io client to provide enterprise logging nestjs modules
node-countries Public
Forked from marchah/node-countriesCountries and Provinces JSON Data
frontend Public
Forked from podkrepi-bg/frontendCharity platform https://podkrepi.bg Docs https://docs.podkrepi.bg
krabs Public
Forked from micheleriva/krabs🦀 Express.js/Fastify middleware and virtual host for multi-tenant Next.js applications
react-supabase Public
Forked from awkweb/react-supabaseReact Hooks library for Supabase
supabase-nextjs-grommet Public template
Supabase / Next.js / Grommet Starter!
supabase Public
Forked from supabase/supabaseThe open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
jitsi-meet Public
Forked from jitsi/jitsi-meetJitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
yadi Public
Yet Another Docker Image - Production ready Next.js docker multi-stage build
docker-jitsi-meet-1 Public
Forked from Zempashi/docker-jitsi-meetJitsi Meet on Docker
all-contributors Public
Forked from all-contributors/all-contributors✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨
fortio Public
Forked from fortio/fortioFortio load testing library, command line tool, advanced echo server and web UI in go (golang). Allows to specify a set query-per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats.
stylelint-config-sass-guidelines Public
Forked from bjankord/stylelint-config-sass-guidelines⚙ A stylelint config inspired by https://sass-guidelin.es/
fleet Public
Forked from rancher/fleetManage large fleets of Kubernetes clusters
rancher-in-kind Public
Forked from ozbillwang/rancher-in-kindScripts to start up Rancher with Kind (kubernetes in docker) cluster
awesome-db-tools Public
Forked from mgramin/awesome-db-toolsEverything that makes working with databases easier
postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutations Public
Forked from mlipscombe/postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutationsNested mutations for Postgraphile