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๐Ÿ›  Highly customisable, minimalistic input x select field for React.


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๐Ÿ›  Highly customisable, minimalistic input x select field for React.

Package version. Make a pull request.

โšก๏ธ Features

  • Tiny size (~4kb Gzip)
  • 100% responsive.
  • Highly customisable.
  • Supports custom rem unit.
  • Zero third party dependency (asides react's recommended prop-types).
  • Typescript ready
  • Multi select options
  • Options search
  • Custom icons support

๐Ÿ’พ Installation

$ yarn add react-insect

๐Ÿ“„ Basic Usage

// Import Insect component
import { Insect } from 'react-insect';

// Use it in your code like so
export const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        placeholder="Choose a username"

๐Ÿช„ Props

Insect can be either an input field, a single select field or a multi select field. The props passed in determines what Insect is. Here's a table of all available props for input and for select.

๐Ÿงฉ General props

Prop Description Type default
name Sets the name of the input field. string
type Sets type of input field text | textarea | number | password | email | select text
label Adds a label to the top of insect component. string
placeholder Sets the placeholder for insect component. string Input or select an option
prefixIcon Adds an icon at the left of insect field string | React.ReactNode | null
suffixIcon Adds an icon at the right of insect field string | React.ReactNode | null
className Custom classname for main insect container string
labelClass Custom classname for insect label string
inputWrapperClass Custom classname for the input field wrapper div string
inputClass Custom classname for the main input field string
iconsClass Custom classname for all icons string
onFocus Function to trigger when input field is focused on. (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void
onBlur Function to trigger when input field goes out of focus. (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void

๐Ÿ For Input field type

Prop Description Type default
value Sets the value of the input field. string
rows Sets the number of rows for textarea number
onChange Function to trigger when input field value is changed. (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void

๐Ÿ”ฎ For Select field type

Prop Description Type default
allowMultiple Enables multi select by setting the number of selectable items number
search Toggles option search boolean (false)
options A list of options for the select field { title: string; value: string; }[] [ ]
onSelect Funtion to trigger when an item is selected. It returns the field name and then returns a single string for single select and an array of strings for multi select (value: string | string[] | null, name: string) => void
dropdownIcon Custom icon for dropdown caret string | React.ReactNode | null
checkmarkIcon Custom selected item indicator icon string | React.ReactNode | null
dropdownClass Custom classname for the dropdown container div. This div wraps the ul tag which in turn wraps the individual li tags string
checkerClass Custom classname for the selected items indicator icon string
closeOnBlur Determines if the dropdown should close when outside is clicked or not boolean true

๐Ÿฆ„ Usage with custom PX - REM unit

Sometimes, you may want to set the default rem unit to 10rem/1px (or any value at all) by adding font-size: 10px (or some kind of viewport based value) to the html tag in order to simplify rem/px unit conversion. This will cause a lot of problems with third party components but don't worry, insect got you!

Just add the following css variable to your main stylesheet and insect will adapt to your new unit.

:root {
  --insect-rem: 10 !important;

๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿฝ Contribution Guide

Insect is an opensource project and public contribution is very welcome. You can check Issues for bugs to fix or features to add.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch with a name like this - feature/name-of-feature.
  4. Run yarn to install dependencies.
  5. Write code and then commit changes.
  6. Run yarn build to compile a build into the dist folder.
  7. Now You can decide to manually copy the index.tsx and index.scss file from here into a local project in order to test the feature/bug you have fixed.
  8. Alternatively, run yarn link in your local insect root folder.
  9. On the local project you want to test the features on, run yarn link 'insect'.
  10. Now navigate back to the terminal on your local insect folder and then run npm link ../path-to-test-project/node_modules/react. This will make insect use the copy of react from your local test project. Now you can test your changes.
  11. After all is done, push to your forked repository and then send a pull request.

โš–๏ธ Licence

MIT (c) Collins Enebeli.