A web UI for Ollama written in Java using Spring Boot and Vaadin framework and Ollama4j.
The goal of the project is to enable Ollama users coming from Java and Spring background to have a fully functional web UI.
This project focuses on the raw capabilities of interacting with various models running on Ollama servers.
flowchart LR
owui[Ollama4j Web UI]
o[Ollama Server]
owui -->|uses| o4j
o4j -->|Communicates with| o;
subgraph Ollama Deployment
direction TB
o -->|Manages| m
Download the latest version from here.
Or, you could download it via command-line. Just make sure to specify the version you want to download.
VERSION=0.0.1; wget https://github.com/ollama4j/ollama4j-web-ui/releases/download/$VERSION/ollama4j-web-ui-$VERSION.jar
Create a file application.properties
and add the following configuration.
Update the values of server.port
and ollama.url
according to your needs.
logging.level.org.atmosphere = warn
spring.mustache.check-template-location = false
vaadin.whitelisted-packages = com.vaadin,org.vaadin,dev.hilla,io.github.amithkoujalgi
java -jar ollama4j-web-ui-$VERSION.jar \
Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to access the Ollama4j Web UI.
Contributions are most welcome! Whether it's reporting a bug, proposing an enhancement, or helping with code - any sort of contribution is much appreciated.
The project is inspired by the awesome ollama4j-ui project by @AgentSchmecker.
The nomenclature has been adopted from the incredible Ollama project.