Tags: kaisecheng/logstash-devutils
Refactor: env variable to resemble LS' `LOG_LEVEL` (elastic#87) it's not exactly the same as LS's `LOG_LEVEL` path can be used the same way e.g. `LOG_LEVEL=debug` will do the same as within normal LS ...
Merge pull request elastic#85 from robbavey/add_events_method Add `events` method to QueueBatchDelegator
Fix: unwrap output and refactor test sink (elastic#82) the old way wasn't reliable in case of pipeline failures this is now expected to be more robust at a cost of relying on some of the native internals (which are available since LS 6.3 - our baseline)
Chore: add gem (publish) tasks (elastic#81) and the ability to specify logstash-core gem path
Merge pull request elastic#60 from elastic/fix-logging update devutils to include new log4j2 setup