Official implementation of "MIMO: Controllable Character Video Synthesis with Spatial Decomposed Modeling"
A cross-platform GUI wrapper for NextTrace. Bringing you the familiar traceroute experience. OpenTrace 是 NextTrace 的跨平台 GUI 界面,带来您熟悉但更强大的用户体验。
A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
Free English to Chinese Dictionary Database
serve as a reverse proxy to protect your web services from attacks and exploits.
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[CVPR 2024] Upscale-A-Video: Temporal-Consistent Diffusion Model for Real-World Video Super-Resolution
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
⭐️一款好用又强大的开源社区,基于 Spring Boot、MyBatis-Plus、MySQL、Redis、ElasticSearch、MongoDB、Docker、RabbitMQ 等主流技术栈,附详细教程,包括Java、Spring、MySQL、Redis、微服务&分布式、消息队列等核心知识点。学编程,就上技术派😁。
Wakatime Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme.
Running V2ray inside edge/serverless runtime
Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
🕵️♂️ Collect a dossier on a person by username from thousands of sites
Simple and flexible, css only, content placeholder loading animation.
A one page HTML theme for creatives by Start Bootstrap
A bran-new League of Legends assistant software, a replacement for WeGame.
This is a script for warp. You can use it to change your IP of warp which was blocked by Netflix
一个原创多端IM通信层框架,轻量级、高度提炼,历经10年、久经考验。可能是市面上唯一同时支持UDP+TCP+WebSocket三种协议的同类开源框架,支持 iOS、Android、Java、H5、小程序、Uniapp,服务端基于Netty。
An open-source project in Golang to asess different API Security tools and WAF for detection logic and bypasses
bqf9979 / ip2region
Forked from lionsoul2014/ip2regionIp2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C…
🔥MateCloud是一款基于Spring Cloud Alibaba的微服务架构。目前已经整合Spring Boot 2.7.0、 Spring Cloud 2021、Spring Cloud Alibaba 2021、Spring Security Oauth2、Feign、Dubbo、JetCache、RocketMQ等,支持多租户的低代码平台,Saas平台开发套件
📚 轻松阅读,基于SpringCloud生态开发的阅读类APP微服务实战项目,涉及 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、OpenFeign、Hystrix、Jwt、ElasticSearch 等技术的应用
类似按键精灵的鼠标键盘录制和自动化操作 模拟点击和键入 | automate mouse clicks and keyboard input