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PyPI PyPI - Downloads

A python based Apple instruments protocol,you can get CPU, Memory and other metrics from real iOS devices

win,mac 跨平台方案,通过 Instruments 私有协议获取 iOS 相关性能指标数据。



Java 版本

pip 仓库:

pip install py-ios-device

python 版本: 3.7 +

instruments 相关功能列表:

  • 获取系统的 内存、cpu 数据
  • 获取应用的 内存、cpu 数据
  • 获取 FPS 数据
  • 获取 网络数据
  • 设置模拟真机网络状态,例如 2g 、3g、 lost 等
  • 设置模拟真机设备高压过热状态
  • 事件监听,监听app 启动,退出,后台运行等
  • 启动杀死 APP
  • 运行 xcuitest 启动 wda
  • 导出内核堆栈快照
  • 解析内核数据流
  • 获取 iOS GPU Counters
  • 设置虚拟位置信息
  • 获取 APP 启动时间


  • 描述文件管理 例如:安装 卸载 Fiddler 证书等
  • 获取系统日志流
  • 获取崩溃日志
  • 获取抓包数据转发至 wiershark
  • 应用管理:安装、卸载、启动、查询、运行状态等
  • 获取电池信息


pip 仓库:

> pip install py-ios-device
> pyidevice --help
> pyidevice instruments --help


$ pyidevice devices


$ pyidevice --udid=xxxxxx deviceinfo


$ pyidevice instruments monitor 
Memory  >> {'App Memory': '699.69 MiB', 'Cached Files': '1.48 GiB', 'Compressed': '155.17 MiB', 'Memory Used': '1.42 GiB', 'Wired Memory': '427.91 MiB', 'Swap Used': '46.25 MiB'}
Network >> {'Data Received': '4.07 GiB', 'Data Received/sec': '4.07 GiB', 'Data Sent': '2.54 GiB', 'Data Sent/sec': '2.54 GiB', 'Packets in': 2885929, 'Packets in/sec': 6031576, 'Packets Out': 2885929, 'Packets Out/sec': 2885929}
Disk    >> {'Data Read': '117.91 GiB', 'Data Read/sec': 0, 'Data Written': '64.28 GiB', 'Data Written/sec': 0, 'Reads in': 9734132, 'Reads in/sec': 9734132, 'Writes Out': 6810640, 'Writes Out/sec': 6810640}

$ pyidevice instruments monitor --filter = memory
Memory  >> {'App Memory': '699.69 MiB', 'Cached Files': '1.48 GiB', 'Compressed': '155.17 MiB', 'Memory Used': '1.42 GiB', 'Wired Memory': '427.91 MiB', 'Swap Used': '46.25 MiB'}


$ pyidevice instruments sysmontap --help
$ pyidevice instruments sysmontap  -b --proc_filter memVirtualSize,cpuUsage --processes --sort cpuUsage # 只显示 memVirtualSize,cpuUsage 参数的进程列表,且根据 cpuUsage 字段排序 

[('WeChat', {'cpuUsage': 0.03663705586691998, 'memVirtualSize': 2179284992, 'name': 'WeChat', 'pid': 99269})]
[('WeChat', {'cpuUsage': 0.036558268613227536, 'memVirtualSize': 2179284992, 'name': 'WeChat', 'pid': 99269})]

获取 FPS 数据

$ pyidevice instruments fps

{'currentTime': '2021-05-11 14:14:40.259059', 'fps': 52}
{'currentTime': '2021-05-11 14:14:40.259059', 'fps': 56}

获取 网络数据

$ pyidevice instruments networking
# 获取全局网络数据
"connection-update{\"RxPackets\": 2, \"RxBytes\": 148, \"TxPackets\": 2, \"TxBytes\": 263, \"RxDups\": 0, \"RxOOO\": 0, \"TxRetx\": 0, \"MinRTT\": 0.05046875, \"AvgRTT\": 0.05046875, \"ConnectionSerial\": 5}"
"connection-update{\"RxPackets\": 4, \"RxBytes\": 150, \"TxPackets\": 3, \"TxBytes\": 1431, \"RxDups\": 0, \"RxOOO\": 0, \"TxRetx\": 0, \"MinRTT\": 0.0539375, \"AvgRTT\": 0.0541875, \"ConnectionSerial\": 4}"

$ pyidevice instruments network_process -p 
# 获取单应用网络数据
{403: {'': 119, 'time': 1620720061.0643349, 'net.tx.bytes': 366715, '': 63721, '': 47, 'net.tx.packets': 633, 'net.rx.bytes': 34532, 'net.bytes': 401247, '': 56978, '': 6743, 'net.rx.packets': 169, 'pid': 403, '': 72, 'net.packets': 802}}
{403: {'': 13, 'time': 1620720076.2191892, 'net.tx.bytes': 1303204, '': 5060, '': 5, 'net.tx.packets': 2083, 'net.rx.bytes': 46736, 'net.bytes': 1349940, '': 4682, '': 378, 'net.rx.packets': 379, 'pid': 403, '': 8, 'net.packets': 2462}}

设置设备状态 iOS 版本 > 12

可以模拟网络状态,例如 2g 、3g、 lost 等

$ pyidevice instruments condition get
# 获取设备状态配置信息

$ pyidevice instruments condition set -c SlowNetworkCondition -p SlowNetwork2GUrban
# 模拟网络状态,例如 2g 、3g、 lost 等

$ pyidevice instruments condition set -c ThermalCondition -p ThermalCritical
# 模拟设备高压过热状态下的运行模式

监听 app 事件

可以监听所有 app 事件例如: 退到后台,杀死,启动,重启等

$ pyidevice instruments notifications
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Foreground Running', 'elevated_state_description': 'Foreground Running', 'displayID': '', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205542653928, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 8, 'timestamp': 1620714619.1264, 'state': 8, 'pid': 99367}]
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Background Running', 'elevated_state_description': 'Background Running', 'displayID': '', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205678872050, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 4, 'timestamp': 1620714624.802145, 'state': 4, 'pid': 99367}]
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Background Task Suspended', 'elevated_state_description': 'Background Task Suspended', 'displayID': '', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205683486410, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 2, 'timestamp': 1620714624.99441, 'state': 2, 'pid': 99367}]



$ instruments stackshot --out stackshot.log

解析 core_profile 内核数据流

$ instruments instruments core_profile --pid=1107
SealTalk(1107)             PERF_THD_CSwitch (0x25010014)                               DBG_PERF          PERF_DATA                     DBG_FUNC_NONE  
SealTalk(1107)             MACH_DISPATCH (0x1400080)                                   DBG_MACH          DBG_MACH_SCHED                DBG_FUNC_NONE  
SealTalk(1107)             DecrSet (0x1090004)                                         DBG_MACH          DBG_MACH_EXCP_DECI            DBG_FUNC_NONE  

获取 Metal GPU Counters

$ instruments gup_counters
15.132907 ALU Limiter                                  93.77 
15.132907 Texture Sample Limiter                       39.62 
15.132907 Texture Write Limiter                        13.87 
15.132907 Buffer Read Limiter                          0.01  
15.132907 Buffer Write Limiter                         0     
15.132907 Threadgroup/Imageblock Load Limiter          17.16 
15.132907 Threadgroup/Imageblock Store Limiter         10.9  
15.132907 Fragment Input Interpolation Limiter         15.74 
15.132907 GPU Last Level Cache Limiter                 6.24  
15.132907 Vertex Occupancy                             0     
15.132907 Fragment Occupancy                           91.44 
15.132907 Compute Occupancy                            0     
15.132907 GPU Read Bandwidth                           2.65  
15.132907 GPU Write Bandwidth                          1.25  

获取 App 启动时间以及生命周期

$ instruments app_lifecycle -b
  31.20 ms   Initializing-System Interface Initialization (Dyld init)
  14.33 ms   Initializing-Static Runtime Initialization
  35.68 ms   Launching-UIKit Initialization
 810.46 us   Launching-UIKit Scene Creation
 100.64 ms   Launching-didFinishLaunchingWithOptions()
   2.91 ms   Launching-UIKit Scene Creation
  21.85 ms   Launching-Initial Frame Rendering
App Thread Process ID:6506076, Total Time:207.41 ms



描述文件管理 例如:安装 卸载 Fiddler,Charles 证书等

$ pyidevice profiles list
    "OrderedIdentifiers": [
    "ProfileManifest": {
        "aaaff7e2b7df39eeb77bfbc0cd7a70ea99f3fd97a": {
            "Description": "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot",
            "IsActive": true
    "ProfileMetadata": {
        "aaaff7e2b7df39eeb77bfbc0cd7a70ea99f3fd97a": {
            "PayloadDisplayName": "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot",
            "PayloadRemovalDisallowed": false,
            "PayloadUUID": "C8CE7BC1-F840-4616-B606-337F8CB6AE19",
            "PayloadVersion": 1
    "Status": "Acknowledged"

$ pyidevice profiles install  --path Downloads/charles-certificate.pem
## 安装 charles 证书

$ pyidevice profiles remove --name fe7371d9ce36c541ac8dee5f51f3b490b2aa98dcd95699ee44717fd5233fe7a0a
## 删除 charles 证书


$ pyidevice syslog
# --path
# --filter
# 获取 日志流

获取 crash 日志数据

$ pyidevice crash list
# 获取 crash日志列表
['.', '..', '', 'JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips']

$ pyidevice crash export --name JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips
# 导出 crash 日志

$ pyidevice crash delete --name JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips
# 删除 crash 日志

$ pyidevice crash shell
# 进入命令行操作模式



$ pyidevice apps list

$ pyidevice apps install --ipa_path

$ pyidevice apps uninstall --bundle_id 

$ pyidevice apps launch --bundle_id

$ pyidevice apps kill --bundle_id

$ pyidevice apps shell 


$ pyidevice pcapd ./test/test.pacp
# 抓包保存数据

$ pyidevice pcapd - | "/Applications/" -k -i -
# mac 转发至 Wireshark

$ pyidevice pcapd - | "D:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -
# win 转发至 Wireshark


$ pyidevice battery
# [Battery] time=1622777708, current=-71, voltage=4330, power=-307.43, temperature=3279


$ pyidevice enable_developer_mode

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