AMCD(Asynchronous Multiple Condtions Dependence) 模式的java版本实现
- add Callable exec.(that mean now the method setTarget for Callable is not work now)
java public void setTarget(final Callable<A> target)
//in class Main
//init the repo Demo, and add some conditions
ConditionRepoManager manager = ConditionRepoManager.getInstance();
manager.add("condition1", "condition2", "condition3");
Runnable runnable = new Runnable{
public void run(){
//do what you want
//in class B
ConditionRepoManager manager = ConditionRepoManager.getInstance();
if (manager.complete("condition1")) {
manager.getRepo("Demo").execTarget(new ExecCallback{
public void onComplete(){
//you already done what you want to do
public void onError(){
public void onResult(A result){
//in class C
ConditionRepoManager manager = ConditionRepoManager.getInstance();
if (manager.complete("condition1")) {
manager.getRepo("Demo").execTarget(new ExecCallback{
public void onComplete(){
//you already done what you want to do
public void onError(){
public void onResult(A result){
//in class C
ConditionRepoManager manager = ConditionRepoManager.getInstance();
if (manager.complete("condition1")) {
manager.getRepo("Demo").execTarget(new ExecCallback{
public void onComplete(){
//you already done what you want to do
public void onError(){
public void onResult(A result){
//in class N ...
OK ,that's all.I know it is easy.So , Good Luck!