AVD start
Created fundament - vNet - subnet - logAnalytics - goldenImage - avd infrastructure - keyVault - log analytics alerting / action group (mon_infrastructure.bicep + vm_metrics)
Working on
Loganalytics for the fundament
- ps scripting
- check metrics from management.bicep from root
for now missing
- avd_infrastructre bicep has hardcoded friendlyNames
- Monitoring Solution
- logging.bicep
- missing query; autorun-services in Modules/vm_metrics.bicep
- rbac module.
- Locks? should they be there?
- change to vm module for building AVD?
- existing function? for landingzone referral
- Policies
FS Logix
- use azure imagebuilder. https://github.com/Azure/azvmimagebuilder/tree/main/quickquickstarts
- pipelines / git hub actions