Simplified Nexus IQ policy evaluator for Scala/sbt projects
Clone this project in to your local machine and run the following
docker build --build-arg OPENJDK_TAG=11.0.13 --build-arg SBT_VERSION=1.6.2 --tag sonatype/nexus-iq-sbt:1.0.0 --tag sonatype/nexus-iq-sbt:latest .
if you want the container to communicate with your IQ server running locally (container host), you must create a local docker network. For example
docker network create -d bridge --subnet --gateway dockernet
The container can now access the host machine using IP address. Here is a complete example of how the evaluation call (assuming your local IQ server has an application named scala-app)
docker run -it --net=dockernet sonatype/nexus-iq-sbt /app/ -projectUrl -applicationId simple-app -username admin -password admin123 -stage build
Note: the script uses default IQ username (admin), password (admin123) and stage (build) and if your local setup uses the same you can avoid passing them to the script