A movie directory application featuring search by movie title and genre, with custom-built pagination.
- Next.js
- Shadcn components
- React Query for data fetching and caching
- Search by movie title
- Search by genre
- Custom-built pagination
- Caching optimization for improved performance when navigating between pages or repeating searches
Total Search Items Edge Case: The total number of search results depends on the number of items on the last page. Ideally, this should be fetched directly from the API.
Genre Selection: A genre selection box is included for users to search by genre list. However, the API doesn't return the movie genre names. To address this, i have to fetch and parse the genres incrementally after the first render due to the potential cost of returning all movies grouped by genre from the API.
Shadcn Combobox Bug: An interesting anecdote - I discovered a bug in the Shadcn Combobox component while working on this project. The bug is documented but not yet fixed. You can find more details here:
- Combobox documentation: https://ui.shadcn.com/docs/components/combobox this component don't work correctly,unless modified
- GitHub issue: shadcn-ui/ui#2980
Movie Details Modal: A modal to display full details for each movie .
Token Management:The API token is currently stored as an environment variable for simplicity
Pagination Edge Cases: While many edge cases have been handled, there are still some that need to be addressed.
Additional Features:
- Direct page navigation
- Adjustable number of items per page
- Code refactoring (e.g., isolating filters and movie grid into separate components)
: Contains Shadcn componentscomponents/
: Includes a ChatGPT-generated card component to quickly create a working prototype.
- The pagination component was particularly enjoyable to build, despite its complexity.
- The approach taken doesn't take SEO into consideration; it's optimized for a Single Page Application (SPA). For better SEO optimization, using server components would be the best approach.