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Tags: kamilla1201/geode



Toggle rel/v1.12.0.6's commit message
added temp solution


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.5's commit message
GEODE-8247: modified FilterRoutingInfo checks


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.1234's commit message
Serial gw sender threads

review and tests

fix for cachexml


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.4's commit message
Add missing changes so that release is named

Also change version of Geode to ERICSSONGEODE_1_12_0_4


Toggle rel/v1.14.0.23755's commit message
Update Geode version due to change in serialization


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.23755's commit message
GEODE-7971 on top of 1.12

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 2c9548b
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon May 18 21:03:54 2020 +0200

    feature/GEODE-7971: Documentation change after review and flaxy test fix

commit 23472a7
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri May 15 17:17:22 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Add HA test cases and fix bug in SerialGatewaySenderQueue

commit 25cdae7
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed May 13 11:40:23 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Add check in serial gwsender creation with threads>1 and group-trans-events=true.

    Also corrected some documentation errors.

commit 92b897b
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue May 12 22:37:41 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Update create document and refactor test case

commit 1c22288
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue May 12 19:37:25 2020 +0200

    feature/GEODE-7971: Simplify test JUnit test case

commit 8d02bba
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue May 12 14:59:42 2020 +0200

    feature/GEODE-7971: Changes after review

commit 5556d77
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat May 2 21:27:18 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Undo changes on cache*.dtd files unneeded

    Also changed a couple of timeouts in test cases.

commit e838d34
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Apr 29 16:35:44 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Add logic for case when batches are redistributed

    Also added parameter for retries when not all
    events for a transaction can be read from the queue.

commit cdcf073
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Apr 28 12:13:43 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: small fix in gwSenderFactory + extra info on config error

commit e8e5ff0
Author: Alberto Gomez <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Apr 8 16:01:10 2020 +0200

    GEODE-7971: Gw sender deliver TX events atomically to Gw receivers

    A new flag is added to gateway senders: group-transaction-events.
    If set to true, events for the same transaction will not be
    spread across different batches, i.e. it is guaranteed that
    they will be delivered inside the same batch.

    In order to implement this behavior,
    the last event for each transaction is marked with a new flag
    and the transactionId before it is put in the sender's queue
    (new flag added to GatewaySenderEvent). That way, it is possible
    for the gateway senders to go through a
    batch ready to be sent and verify if the last event for
    each transaction is present in the batch.
    If not, the gateway sender will traverse the sender queue
    to get the missing events for the incomplete transactions
    and once they are added to the batch, the batch will be sent.

    This feature has the following restrictions:
    - The group-transaction-events can only be set on
    serial gateway senders with just 1 dispatcher thread
    or on parallel gateway senders.
    - In order to guarantee that the events of a transaction
    are to not spread
    across different batches, the regions involved in the
    transaction must all have the same senders with the
    group-transaction-events flag set to true configured.


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.3's commit message
fix integration test


Toggle rel/v1.11.0.8's commit message
change version


Toggle rel/v1.12.0.2's commit message
change version to


Toggle rel/v1.11.0.7's commit message
change version to