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A MIDI velocity editor/transformer with gfx functions

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3D Graphics Utility Functions for Reaper JSFX


A collection of functions to help you make 3d graphics in a Reaper Effects Plugin. Functions included for creating vectors/points and matrices, and a model-view-projection pipeline (inspired from OpenGL). Unfortunately, there is no depth-testing, so painter's algorithm should be used.

Demo gif

This library requires JackUtilities dynamic allocator, which also requires the static allocator.

Notes on memory usage

All code and checks assume the matrices are square and vectors are column. Most functions do not mutate inputs, but rather write outputs to a pointer. Geometric functions are in homogenous coordinates. The pointer can be created by calling ptr = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(16, 'mats', mSL_StM_FlClear).

For allocator usage, please see:

Basic Setup

Copy the GFX file into your user effects folder.

(Also be sure to copy JackUtilities folder into your effects, both the dynamic and static memory.)

Then, in your effects plugin file, something like this:

desc:MIDI visualization example
import JackUtilities/mSL_StM_Memory.jsfx-inc
import JackUtilities/mSL_Dyn_Memory.jsfx-inc
import GFX/gfx_functions.jsfx-inc

// Set input/output pins to none for MIDI-only

static_table = mSL_StM_Alloc(128, 'data', mSL_StM_FlClear);
mem = mSL_StM_BlockStart('XXXX');
dyn = mSL_Dyn_Init(mem-2, mem[-1]+4);

// Init the library. All functions are prefixed with gfxu_

// Create vectors for camera setup
eye = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(4, 'vecs', mSL_StM_FlClear);
at = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(4, 'vecs', mSL_StM_FlClear);
up = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(4, 'vecs', mSL_StM_FlClear);
gfxu_point(256, 170, 125, eye);
gfxu_point(176, 32, -64, at);
gfxu_vec(0, 1, 0, up);

/* Use the look_at function to create an inverse camera transformation matrix and store it in the gfxu_view matrix */
gfxu_look_at(eye, at, up);

/* Allocate some memory */
line_start = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(4, 'vecs', mSL_StM_FlClear);
line_end = mSL_Dyn_Alloc(4, 'vecs', mSL_StM_FlClear);

@gfx 720 360

view_w = gfx_w;
view_h = gfx_h;
aspect = view_w / view_h;
/* Transforms ([-1, 1], [-1, 1]) coords to actual screen pixels. This is applied last. */
gfxu_viewport(0, gfx_h, view_w, -view_h);

/* Projection matrix */
gfxu_perspective($pi / 4, aspect, 1, 100);

/* Precompute the M*V*P transformation matrix to take 3D -> 2D */

/* Now you're ready to draw. Let's draw the x, y, and z axes, with a length of 100 */
gfx_set(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
gfxu_point(0, 0, 0, line_start);

// x
gfxu_point(100, 0, 0, line_end);
gfxu_draw_line(line_start, line_end);

// y
gfxu_point(0, 100, 0, line_end);
gfxu_draw_line(line_start, line_end);

// z
gfxu_point(0, 0, 100, line_end);
gfxu_draw_line(line_start, line_end);

Check out the MIDI/midi_visualizer file for a more involved example.


There are quite a few "internal" utility functions, and you can probe around in the source to find those. The most important "public" functions will be listed here:

Vectors and Matrices

gfxu_print_mat(s, mat)

Prints a matrix or vector mat into string s.

s: a string, like #matrix.
mat: matrix or vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_dup_vec(v, res)

Duplicates a matrix or vector v into res.

v, res: matrices or vectors created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_vec(x, y, z, vec)

Makes a 3d vector in 'vec' pointer. This sets w, or vec[3] to 0.

x, y, z: numbers.
vec: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_point(x, y, z, vec)

Makes a 3d point in 'vec' pointer. This sets w, or vec[3] to 1.

x, y, z: numbers.
vec: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().


Stores an identity matrix into mat.

mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_mat_vec_mult(mat, vec, res)

Multiplies a matrix mat with a vector vec and stores it in res. This is also how you transform vectors. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
vec: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
res: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_mat_mult(mat, mat2, res)

Multiplies a matrix mat with another one mat2 and stores it in res. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
mat2: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
res: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_scalar_mat_mult(scalar, mat, res)

Multiplies a matrix mat by a scalar scalar and stores it in res. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

scalar: a number.
mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
res: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_add_vec(v1, v2, res)

Adds two vectors (or matrices) v1 and v2 and stores it in res. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

v1, v2, res: vectors/matrices created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_sub_vec(v1, v2, res)

Subtracts v2 from v1 and stores it in res. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

v1, v2, res: vectors/matrices created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_dot(v1, v2)

Returns the dot product of v1 and v2. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

v1, v2: vectors created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().


Returns the norm of vector v.

v: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_normalize(v, res)

Normalizes vector v and stores it in res. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

v, res: vectors created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_cross(v1, v2, res)

Computes the 3d cross product of v1 and v2 and stores it in res.

v1, v2, res: vectors created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_rot_mad_3d(axis, angle, mat)

Returns the rotation matrix for a rotation of angle about axis and stores it in mat. Error flag is set if sizes are not compatible.

axis: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
angle: rotation angle in radians.
mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

Graphics Pipeline API


Call before using any gfxu_ functions, so that temporary, global, and swap memory can be allocated.


Call before using any gfxu_draw_ functions to pre-multiply gfxu_proj * gfxu_view * gfxu_model and store it in gfxu_mvp.

Model Transforms

The following act on the gfxu_model matrix.


Pre-multiplies the gfxu_model matrix with a kI where k is the scalar, and I is the identity matrix. Stores back in gfxu_model.

scalar: number.

gfxu_rotate(axis, angle)

Pre-multiplies the gfxu_model matrix with a rotation matrix calculated with gfxu_rot_mat_3d and stores it back in gfxu_model.

axis: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
angle: rotation angle in radians.


Pre-multiplies the gfxu_model matrix with a translation matrix and stores it back in gfxu_model.

vec: vector created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().


Pre-multiplies the gfxu_model matrix with an arbitrary matrix and stores it back in gfxu_model.

mat: matrix created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

View Transforms

All of the following act on the gfxu_view matrix.

gfxu_look_at(eye, at, up)

See OpenGL's gluLookAt for explanation. Calculates projection matrix for camera at eye looking at at. up vector is supplied for calculating the camera's orthonormal basis.

eye, at, up: vectors created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_arcball_rot(dx, dy)

Utility function for moving the camera along an arcball surface.

dx, dy: angles in radians.

gfxu_arcball_move_xz(dx, dz)

Move the camera's at location along the xz-plane

dx, dz: position change in object-space units.

gfxu_arcball_move_xy(dx, dy)

Move the camera's at location along the xy-plane

dx, dy: position change in object-space units.


Move the camera towards or away from the at point by scaling eye - at by zoom amount. Only works with perspective projection. To "zoom" orthographic projection, manipulate the orthographic projection bounds.

zoom: percentage of original eye - at length to scale.

Projection Transforms

These functions overwrite the current gfxu_proj matrix.

gfxu_ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)

Calculates an orthographic projection from parameters specified.

All params are numbers, specifying in object-space coordinates the bounds of the projection.

gfxu_perspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar)

Calculates a perspective projection transform.

fovy: vertical field-of-view in radians.
aspect: width/height of the frustrum.
zNear, zFar: distance to the nearest and farthest points, respectively, of the frustrum.

Viewport Transforms

gfxu_viewport(x, y, width, height)

Sets the matrix that will convert normalized device coordinates into viewport coordinates.

x, y: The lower-left corner in screen pixels of the viewport. width, height: Dimensions of the viewport.

Drawing Functions

gfxu_draw_line(start, end)

Draws a line from object-space positions start to end.

start, end: vectors (points) created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_draw_triangle(p1, p2, p3)

Draws a triangle using the three points.

p1, p2, p3: vectors (points) created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().

gfxu_draw_circle(p, r)

Draws a circle of r screen-units radius at object-space p.

p: vector (point) created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
r: radius of circle in screen-units (pixels).

gfxu_draw_parallelogram(start, w_vec, h_vec)

Draws a parallelogram specified by a starting point and two vectors.

start: vector (point) created with mSL_Dyn_Alloc().
w_vec, h_vec: vectors representing the adjacent sides of the shape.

Error Codes

Error codes (bit set, 0-indexed):

  1. Matrix access out-of-bounds
  2. Matrix x vector input and/or output size mismatch
  3. Matrix transpose input/output size mismatch
  4. Matrix x matrix input and/or output sizes mismatch\
  5. Scalar multiply input/output size mismatch
  6. Vector addition input and/or output sizes mismatch
  7. Vector subtraction input and/or output sizes mismatch
  8. Dot product input sizes mismatch
  9. Normalize input/output size mismatch
  10. Vector/Matrix copy input/output size mismatch
  11. Comparison input/output size mismatch
  12. Rotation matrix output must be at least 3x3


A MIDI velocity editor/transformer with gfx functions






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