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RNN-IMP is a Python program for reference-free genotype imputation using recurrent neural networks (RNNs). RNN-IMP takes phased genotypes in HAPSLEGEND format as input and outputs imputation results in either VCF or Oxford GEN format.


Requirements: Python versions 3.5 to 3.10 (ensure python3 is in your path)

git clone
cd rnnimp
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Example Usage

Preparation of Example Dataset

To prepare the example dataset, the following files are required:

After preparing the above files, execute the following command in the rnnimp directory:

python3 scripts/

This process generates the example dataset, including:

  • example_data/test/chr22_true.[hap.gz/legend.gz]: Phased genotype data for 100 individuals from org_data/test_samples.txt for chromosome 22 in HAPSLEGEND format, derived from the 1KGP phase 3 dataset. These individuals are randomly selected from the 2,504 individuals in the 1KGP phase 3 dataset.
  • example_data/test/chr22.[hap.gz/legend.gz]: Phased genotype data extracted from example_data/test/chr22_true.[hap.gz/legend.gz] for marker sites designed for the Infinium Omni2.5-8 BeadChip. This dataset simulates input data from the Omni2.5 array.
  • example_data/train/chr22.[hap.gz/legend.gz]: Phased genotype data for the remaining 2,404 individuals not included in org_data/test_samples.txt for chromosome 22, obtained from the 1KGP phase 3 dataset in HAPSLEGEND format. This dataset is used for training RNN-IMP.

Imputation for the Example Dataset

RNN-IMP performs imputation on small regions separately and combines these results to produce an imputation result for an entire chromosome in VCF format or Oxford GEN format. For each small region, specific RNN model structures and their parameters, stored in ONNX Runtime (ORT) format, along with target information in legend format, are required.

Legend files from the example training data are located in the results/train/models directory, and ORT files can be obtained with the following commands in the rnnimp directory:

wget -P org_data
tar jxf org_data/chr22_onnx_files.tbz -C results/train/models

for onnx_file in $(ls results/train/models/chr22*.onnx)
  python3 -m $onnx_file

These files can also be generated through the training process, as described in the subsequent section. To perform imputation on example_data/test/chr22.[hap.gz/legend.gz] using these model information files, execute the following command in the rnnimp directory:

python3 scripts/inference/ \
    --hap example_data/test/chr22.hap.gz \
    --legend example_data/test/chr22.legend.gz \
    --model-prefix results/train/models/chr22 \
    --output-prefix results/imputation/chr22

This command generates the imputation result for example_data/test/chr22.[hap.gz/legend.gz] as results/imputation/chr22.gen. To produce the results in VCF format, use the --output-format vcf option.

Training RNN Models for the Example Dataset

In RNN-IMP, the whole chromosome is divided into small regions, and RNN models are trained separately for each region. To begin, divide the training data, example_data/train/chr22.[hap.gz/legend.gz], into smaller segments using the following commands in the rnnimp directory:

wget -P org_data
head -n 1 org_data/fourier_ls-all.bed > org_data/fourier_ls-chr22.bed
grep "^chr22 " org_data/fourier_ls-all.bed >> org_data/fourier_ls-chr22.bed
python3 scripts/train/ \
    --hap example_data/train/chr22.hap.gz \
    --legend example_data/train/chr22.legend.gz \
    --output-prefix example_data/train/split/chr22 \
    --body-marker-count-limit 200 \
    --flanking-marker-count-limit 50 \
    --imp-site-count-limit 1000 \
    --partition org_data/fourier_ls-chr22.bed

The --partition option specifies a file containing a list of regions into which the chromosome is divided, facilitating segmentation based on these predefined regions. For this example, a list of regions segmented at high recombination rate points is used. This list is available on the Stephens lab GitHub page as a file named fourier_ls-all.bed:

Based on the specified criteria, these segmented regions are further divided in the above commands, resulting in the generation of training data files for 225 divided regions in this example. The prefixes for these files are listed in example_data/train/split/chr22.list.

To train RNN models for these regions using the segmented training data, execute the following command in the rnnimp directory:

python3 scripts/train/ \
    --data-list example_data/train/split/chr22.list \
    --rnn-cell-type GRU \
    --num-layers-higher 4 \
    --num-layers-lower 4 \
    --num-units 40 \
    --gamma1 0.75 \
    --gamma2 -0.75 \
    --feature-size 40 \
    --output-prefix results/train/chr22

Warning: Running the training command as described may require over six months to complete on a single thread, even using high-end CPUs. To significantly reduce computation time, the use of supercomputing resources, which allow for parallel processing, is strongly recommended. The --slurm option facilitates the parallel training of RNN models across different regions by leveraging supercomputing resources managed with Slurm. Due to the variability in Slurm configurations, please refer to the scripts/train/ script for usage details and make necessary adjustments to fit your computing environment. For computing environments using job schedulers other than Slurm, modifications to the scripts/train/ script will be required to enable parallel processing.


Options for scripts/inference/

Option Default Value Summary
--hap STRING_VALUE - Input hap file
--legend STRING_VALUE - Input legend file
--sample STRING_VALUE None Input sample file (optional)
--chromosome None Chromosome name. Required for VCF output format.
--model-prefix STRING_VALUE - Model name prefix
--output-prefix STRING_VALUE - Output file name prefix
--output-format STRING_VALUE gen Output format [gen / vcf]
--python3-bin STRING_VALUE python3 Path to the Python3 binary

Options for scripts/train/

Option Default Value Summary
--data-list STRING_VALUE - Input data list file
--output-prefix STRING_VALUE - Output file name prefix
--rnn-cell-type STRING_VALUE GRU RNN cell type. Available options: GRU / LSTM
--num-units INT_VALUE 40 Vector size in RNN cells
--num-layers-higher INT_VALUE 4 RNN layer size for the higher MAF model
--num-layers-lower INT_VALUE 4 RNN layer size for the lower MAF model
--feature-size INT_VALUE 40 Input feature vector size
--gamma1 FLOAT_VALUE 0.75 Loss weight parameter for the higher MAF model
--gamma2 FLOAT_VALUE 0.75 Loss weight parameter for the lower MAF model
--batch-size INT_VALUE 500 Training batch size
--max-iteration-count INT_VALUE 100000 Maximum iteration count
--validation-sample-size INT_VALUE 100 Validation sample size
--num-threads INT_VALUE 1 Number of threads in TensorFlow
--slurm False Enables the use of Slurm for distributed computation (this option is only effective in environments where Slurm is available)
--job-name-prefix STRING_VALUE train Job name prefix for Slurm jobs
--memory-size STRING_VALUE 20GB Memory size limit for Slurm jobs
--python3-bin STRING_VALUE python3 Path to the Python3 binary


If you find RNN-IMP or any of the scripts in this repository useful for your research, please cite:

Kojima, K., Tadaka, S., Okamura, Y. & Kinoshita, K. (2024). Two-stage strategy using denoising autoencoders for robust reference-free genotype imputation with missing input genotypes. Journal of Human Genetics.

Kojima, K., Tadaka, S., Katsuoka, F., Tamiya, G., Yamamoto, M. & Kinoshita, K. (2020). A genotype imputation method for de-identified haplotype reference information by using recurrent neural network. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(10): e1008207.


The scripts in this repository are available under the MIT License. For more details, see the file.


Developer: Kaname Kojima, Ph.D.

E-mail: kojima [AT] megabank [DOT] tohoku [DOT] ac [DOT] jp or kengo [AT] ecei [DOT] tohoku [DOT] ac [DOT] jp


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