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YOLOv8 Object Tracking using PyTorch, OpenCV and DeepSORT
A simple demo of yolov5s running on rk3588/3588s using Python (about 72 frames). / 一个使用Python在rk3588/3588s上运行的yolov5s简单demo(大约72帧/s)。
This project is based on rk3399 mpp librarys and aims at publishing camera data into RTMP server.
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
ffmpeg 拉取rtsp h264流, 使用mpp解码, 目前在firefly 板子上跑通了
openpilot is an operating system for robotics. Currently, it upgrades the driver assistance system on 275+ supported cars.
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes.
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
A toolbox for skeleton-based action recognition.
Mask Transfiner for High-Quality Instance Segmentation, CVPR 2022
Official Pytorch implementations for "SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation" (NeurIPS 2022)
Annotate better with CVAT, the industry-leading data engine for machine learning. Used and trusted by teams at any scale, for data of any scale.
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
基于深度学习高性能中文车牌识别 High Performance Chinese License Plate Recognition Framework.
深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系[email protected] 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06
Implementation of paper - YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors
Modular and ready to deploy code to detect and track videos using YOLO-v7 and DeepSORT
A Trimap-Free Portrait Matting Solution in Real Time [AAAI 2022]
The code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection."
Official Pytorch implementation of the preprint paper "Castle in the Sky: Dynamic Sky Replacement and Harmonization in Videos", in arXiv:2010.11800.
A Strong and Easy-to-use Single View 3D Hand+Body Pose Estimator
PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch:入门与实战》)
[ECCV2022 Oral] Registration based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
Detectron2 is a platform for object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
🔥🔥🔥🔥 (Earlier YOLOv7 not official one) YOLO with Transformers and Instance Segmentation, with TensorRT acceleration! 🔥🔥🔥
Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).