Frontend client for Growduino-firmware
- FAT filesystem - filenames must be in 8.3 format.
- Parallel requests are not recommended.
Requirements - NodeJS, Grunt, Bower
Install GIT help: sudo apt-get install git Clone a repository of assistance: git clone Sup to the directory: cd-client growduino Install NPM help: sudo apt-get install NPM NodeJS install the dependencies (for dev and possibly for proxy): NPM install Install Bower help: sudo npm install -g Bower Node to get back on track, he already is the name NodeJS: sudo ln -s / usr / bin / nodejs / usr / bin / node Bower then downloads all the dependencies The web application: Bower install Install Grunt help: sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
- Now we're ready to build, the following is needed for editing and testy-- Run Proxy support: proxy node The browser should now below the address localhost: 8000 should see a local site what taha data from skutecnyho Growduina Download editor, be (unpack and install goes in VOKNO) run from the terminal using: Subl After editing (just drag where you want to edit), the buildi help: grunt dist (Where dist is a parameter which Buildit distribution, fishermen's distfish)