Starred repositories
Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
Stride (formerly Xenko), a free and open-source cross-platform C# game engine.
Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine
A library to provide pooling for .NET MemoryStream objects to improve application performance.
Unity Technologies management has fucked everything up. this is a guide to the job system circa 2019
A general-purpose 3D game engine with editor, built with .NET Core
A ray tracer, built in Unity with compute shaders
Learn how to create a ScriptableObject-based gun system from scratch for your game!
Direct3D Rendering Cookbook - companion source code
Implement "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by GPU in Unity 2019.3
DirectX Raytracing Tutorials in CSharp
My attempt at implementing Peter Shirley's "Ray Tracing - In One Weekend" book in Unity
Multiplayer third person shooter made with unity
C# implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley.
Ray Tracing in One Weekend implemented in Unity
Unity × gRPC × Go × Firebase × Dockerハンズオン記事のサンプルリポジトリです。
Implement Peter Shirley's RayTracing In One Weekend in Unity3D with Compute Shader