@sugyan_knj_bot loves @sugyan
inspired by genki-bot
- dev.twitter.com
- Accesse Level : Read and write
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=your key
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=your secret
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN=your token
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=your token secret
% bundle install
% bundle exec ruby bin/kanojo_bot -d
WARNING: not use -d
is really post(You will want to Bitch).
editting for yaml.
- add match word and response variation (すぎゃーんの言葉に反応するリアクション)
- add end word variation (レスポンスの最後にランダムで追加する文字列)
- add face variation (使用する顔文字)
heroku config:set BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test"