This is the course homepage for Math 341 (and Masters level 650.3-02) at Queens College, City University of New York taught by Professor Adam Kapelner. The course syllabus can be found here. We are now using slack for class discussions and videos (see syllabus for link).
My lectures can be listened to as youtube tracks and lecture notes are also scanned in as PDF files contributed by students and myself.
- Lecture 23 video on slack (Prof) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Lecture 22 video on slack (Prof) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Lecture 21 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Lecture 20 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Review 2 video on slack (Prof)
- Lecture 19 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Lecture 18 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro)
- Lecture 17 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Seonhwa Cho) (Amir ElTabakh)
- Lecture 16 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Seonhwa Cho) (Amir ElTabakh)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 15 video on slack (Prof) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Mamataz Rubab) (Seonhwa Cho)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 14 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Seonhwa Cho) (Kennly Weerasinghe)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 13 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Kennly Weerasinghe)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 12 video on slack (Prof) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 11 video on slack (Prof) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Mamataz Rubab) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Andrew Claros)( Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 10 video on slack (Prof) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Amir ElTabakh) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Mamataz Rubab) (Seonhwa Cho) (Andrew Claros) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Review 1 video on slack (Prof)
- Lecture 9 video on slack (Prof) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Amir ElTabakh) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 8 video on slack (Prof) (Amir ElTabakh) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Seonhwa Cho) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 7 video on slack (Prof) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Amir ElTabakh) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 6 video on slack (Prof) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Amir ElTabakh) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 5 video on slack (Prof) (Antonio DAlessandro) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Amir ElTabakh) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 4 video on slack (Prof) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Amir ElTabakh)(shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 3 video on slack (Prof) (Amir ElTabakh) (Kennly Weerasinghe) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 2 video on slack (Prof) (Amir ElTabakh) (Shoara Chowdhury)
- Lecture 1 video on slack (Prof) (Amir ElTabakh)(Shoara Chowdhury)
- Homework 7 (download) (view) (NOT DUE)
- Homework 6 (download) (view) (due 4/26)
- Homework 5 (download) (view) (due 4/18)
- Homework 4 (download) (view) (due 4/11)
- Homework 3 (download) (view) (due 3/21)
- Homework 2 (download) (view) (due 2/28)
- Homework 1 (download) (view) (due 2/12)
- Homework 0 (syllabus, page 6) (due 1/31)
Midterm I is Wednesday, Mar 10 (on zoom) (exam) (solutions)
Midterm II is Wednesday, Apr 28 (on Zoom) (exam) (solutions)
Final is Monday, May 24 1:45-3:45PM (on zoom) and a final review session is Sunday, May 23 6-7:15PM (on zoom) (exam) (solutions)
- Midterm I
(practice exam 2020) (practice exam 2020 solutions)
(practice exam 2019) (practice exam 2019 solutions)
(practice exam 2018) (practice exam 2018 solutions)
(practice exam 2017) (practice exam 2017 solutions) Omit 1p, 2a
(practice exam 2016) (practice exam 2016 solutions) Omit 1l, m, n, t, v, w, x, z
- Midterm II
(practice exam 2020) (practice exam 2020 solutions)
(practice exam 2019) (practice exam 2019 solutions)
(practice exam 2018) (practice exam 2018 solutions) Omit 2d
(practice exam 2017) (practice exam 2017 solutions)
(practice exam 2016) (practice exam 2016 solutions) Omit problem 1e,f. Omit problem 2. Omit 3j,k,l.
- Final
(practice exam 2020) (practice exam 2020 solutions) Omit all of 2
(practice exam 2019) (practice exam 2019 solutions) Omit 1a-i
(practice exam 2018) (practice exam 2018 solutions)
(practice exam 2017) (practice exam 2017 solutions) Omit 2i,
(practice exam 2016) (practice exam 2016 solutions) Omit Problem 1i, 1j, 1k, 1l, all of 2. Add 3j,k,l from 2016 Midterm 2.
I want you to come to office hours! My office hours are:
Time: Mon/Wed 4:30-5PM
Time: Friday, 11:05-11:30AM
Location: on Zoom
In addition, Abhinav Patil, the course TA, will hold office hours as well:
Time: TBA (as it will be before assignments are due)
Location: on Zoom
You can check your grades in realtime at You type in your email address and the password (which was emailed to you at the beginning of the semester).
This class has prerequisite of basic probability (Math 241). A good reference is the Ross book - find the terms we are talking about. Needless to say, wikipedia (just query terms used in class) is an indispensable resource. My 241 class is also a good resource. On its github page you can find students' notes (which you can actually read) and audio recordings of the lectures as well as homework questions and exam questions with solutions. Here are some lectures with homework examples that may be of use:
- Bernoulli, Binomial, In/dependence of r.v.'s - see lectures 8, 9 from my 241 class. See 2016 midterm 2 questions 1, 2a,e and Fall 2015 midterm 2 questions 1a-d, h-k, 3a,b,
- The Normal r.v. and the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) with examples - see lectures 20, 21 from my 241 class. See Fall 2015 final question 5b, Spring 2015 final question 1d, g and the Fall 2014 final question 2f
- One proportion confidence intervals - see lectures 21, 22 from my 241 class. See Spring 2015 final question 3a, b, d, e, Fall 2015 final question 4a-d, Fall 2014 final question 3a-d
- Sampling - see lecture 21 from my 241 class. See Spring 2015 final question 3c, Fall 2014 final question 3e
- Hypothesis Testing, One proportion z test - see lectures 22, 23 from my 241 class. See Spring 2015 final question 3f, Fall 2015 final question 4f, g, Fall 2014 final question 3f-h.