Extendable skeleton for developing async web applications using aiohttp, peewee wrapped with peewee-async and aiohttp_jinja2
This is a successor of windseed
aiowing - aiowing package
- base - base classes
- handler.py - base handler class
- middleware.py - middlewares
- model.py - base model class
- route.py - route get and post helpers
- apps - project applications folder, each app within its folder has
- tests - tests folder
- handlers.py - app handlers
- models.py - app models
- routes.py - app URLs and routes
- utils - utility scripts
- tables.py - re-create aiowing tables
- records.py - re-create test records
- superuser.py - create superuser
- settings.py - project settings
- routes.py - project routes
- application.py - application definition
- conftest.py - common fixtures
- base - base classes
env.sh - environment variables (source env.sh)
server.py - aiowing application
static - project static files, mainly Bootstrap 3, robots.txt
templates - project templates
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.5 python3.5-venv python3.5-dev
pyvenv-3.5 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m aiowing.utils.tables - create tables
python -m aiowing.utils.superuser - create superuser
python -m aiowing.utils.records - create test records
python server.py 8080 - run project