(UTC +04:30) - @KarimBakhsh4mir
Portfolio-Magazine Public template
Forked from cavalluccijohann/Portfolio-MagazinePortfolio presented in a magazine format, featuring a contact form ⭐️Folio Magazine, Portfolio Magazine
Quizzical-App-frozan-ziaei Public
Forked from Frozanziaee/Quizzical-AppQuizzical Game App designed based scrimba solo project Reactjs learning
JavaScript UpdatedJun 1, 2024 -
CalculatorUsingReact Public
Forked from ElhamSalah/CalculatorUsingReactJavaScript UpdatedApr 27, 2024 -
TravelJournalProject Public
Forked from ElhamSalah/TravelJournalProjectJavaScript UpdatedApr 26, 2024 -
metasploit-framework Public
Forked from rapid7/metasploit-frameworkMetasploit Framework
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 23, 2023 -
movie_search_engine Public
This app is a movies search engine where you can search for movies, read about them and their rating. You have a watchlist as well that you can add movies or you can remove them. It is responsive, …
JavaScript UpdatedOct 11, 2022 -
tv_guide Public
Are you a fan of Tv series? Search the TV series name, and you will have the result about its seasons and their description. There is nothing magic here, just HTML, CSS and JS for api and DOM manip…
CSS UpdatedOct 11, 2022 -
api_for_api Public
You need an api to return you recipes, movies, photos and more... Using this project you can search for apis and use them in you projects. The result will shows you four basic things, api name, api…
MealSearchApp Public
using this meal search app, you can type the main ingredient and then, some random fool from theMealDb api will show up, so you can try them. This is a part of CodeWeekend 2022 bootcamp assignment.
role_play_game Public
This a role play game based on dice. The game has a hero and 3 villains. I have added extra animatin and styling to the real original game designed at Scrimba.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 25, 2022 -
calculator Public
This calculator is built with javascript as part of a CodeWeekend bootcamp. It has both screen and keyboard interactivity, which means you can either type touching the keys on screen or keyboard. I…
JavaScript UpdatedSep 25, 2022 -
CWs12-hassan-admin-panel Public
a simple and cool admin panel using css grid and flexbox by hassan haidari
HTML UpdatedSep 18, 2022 -
adminPanels Public
This is a part of CodeWeekend Bootcamp assignment. I ve practiced forming layout and layout modification using css grid and flex box.
CSS UpdatedSep 16, 2022 -
I have practiced some projects of Scrimba module 4, 5 and 6 of the Front-end Career Path. I have refreshed my undestanding of responsiveness of websites and cool designing.
CSS UpdatedSep 11, 2022 -
socio Public
The Socio Social Media App. You can sign up, sign in, post, receive notification, change profile picture, cover photo and switch between dark mode and light mode.
PHP UpdatedAug 20, 2022 -
guest_registration Public
This project can registers guests, search and edit their info from a database.
PHP UpdatedAug 15, 2022 -
portfolio_generator_php Public
This project is a part of a bootcamp assignment. It provides an interface that take basic personal and educational, and professional information, and creates a portfolio out of it.
PHP UpdatedAug 3, 2022 -
simple-php-applications Public
In this project I wrote code to create a multiplication table, a simple calculator and a rectangle generator using php
PHP UpdatedJul 8, 2022 -
E-ducation Public
This project is a school website which is built for learning purpose. HTML, CSS and JS are practiced here with some services available on the internet.
HTML UpdatedJun 6, 2022