- script to count the number of sequences in a fasta file
- shell script to install the latest release of some bioinformatics tools that i use using regular expressions
- python script to find the open reading frames in a fasta file
- python script used to calculate the GC content of the sequences inside a fasta file
- output file is GC_content.txt
- translate fasta file sequences to protein (amino acids) based on the desired open reading frame
- run the script with
python DNA2Protein.py
orsudo chmod +x DNA2Protein.py
in Linux then./DNA2Protein.py
- then enter the open reading frame you want to translate or press enter to translate all open reading frames - output file is translation.txt
- getting all the 6 reading frames (forward and reverse strands) from a fasta file
- getting the reverse complement of the sequences in a fasta file
- output file is reverse_comp.txt
- takes 2 inputs fasta file, the length of the repeat
- gives back an output file (repeats.txt) with all the repeats of the specified length and their number of occurrences - as a dictionary and the most frequent repeat of that length